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DEEP Expresses Disappointment


The Executive Director for Democracy Empowerment for Economic Progress (DEEP), Dr. Abraham Sallue has expressed disappointment over the CDC government’s incompetence in running the affairs of the state.
According to him, the CDC government is incorporating lots of incompetent and unqualified leaders that do not meet the criteria and credentials of public servants, something he refers to as party mandate.
Dr. Sallue added that institutions that are responsible for meaningful contributions for fiscal policies when it comes to the preparation of the national budget has become non-essential because of lack of knowledge to do the job they are called to do, hence they have become liabilities to the country.
Speaking in an interview with a team of journalists, he registered a high level of frustration in opposition political institutions; saying that the citizens are faced with serious economic hardship and need to depend on an alternative, but the rigmaroles in almost all the opposition parties are questionable.
Director Sallue stated further that the opposition community is supposed to be advocating for the masses and making sure to give them comfort instead of tearing apart with no sign of coordination most especially at a time the country is approaching a major Presidential and General Elections come 2023.
“Today we observe that our opposition block is disorganized, self-centered, greedy for power that they have not even gotten yet, and carrying on immoral acts like insulting each other, splitting their own leadership and unable to harmonize issues as responsible people,” he noted.
He pointed out that if the Collaborating Political Party (CPP) cannot put aside their individual differences for the struggling massive and collaborate, then Liberia is heading to a dark age.
DEEP is a national civil rights movement that was established since 1997 propagating nationalism and a call for duties.
DEEP is fully involved in the country’s electoral process to ensure that candidates who are running for such position be scrutinized and meet their benchmark to participate.

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