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Darlington Karnley Unfit For Presidential Post
-Risks Being Disqualified


Majority Members of the Liberian Senate has passionately entreated Darlington Karnley to go back and ask President George Weah to withdraw his nomination because he failed the laid down credentials for said position.
Taking a vote yesterday against the confirmation of the nominee for the post of Managing Director of the Robert International Airport, the lawmakers feared that he lacked the requisite credentials to occupy the position apparently as the RIA is at the verge of being ruined.
Senator Darius Dillon said the position in which President George Weah nominated Karnley as required by aviation law or book for qualification requires that a nominee for said position must have obtained BSC and or above qualification in the area of Airport Management but unfortunately, the nominee presented only 190 credit hours based in the United States of America.
The nominee said, he did partial courses at the Cuttingtton College in Gbarnga, Bong County-where he cut short his program for a Certificate program in United States of America before his nomination for the position.
In his words, “I am a Christian from the Seventh Day Adventist Church with a strong spiritual background. I am also a Liberian from a grassroot particularly from the slum of 12th Street. I remember during the war, I walked from to the Seventh Day High School to obtain high school certificate.”
“I want to thank the President who saw the need that this time around to nominate a young person like me to come down from US to serve my people, as I take it as a way of honor,” the nominee stated.
For qualification: “I went to an aviation school in Philadelphia called Aviation Institute School for Maintenance. It is 21-month program and I stayed for additional six months to do something called ‘aviationic’ which has to do with brain of the plane and it is a professional certificate for 190 hours- in this field, we do more certificates to satisfy you,” he said.
Besides this, the nominee dodged all questions relative to as whether he possesses B.SC or not as he bragged about his certificate as qualified as B.SC, something that aggravated members of the committee.
In response to the nominee’s explanations; Bomi County Senator, Edwin Melvin Snowe told the plenary of the Senate that he will not cast his vote to confirm the nominee because of his know-how about Liberia Airport- in which said the nominee told lies that are unethical to do by any engineer in that filed.
Bong County Senator, Prince Moye, a close friend of the nominee harshly vowed not to vote him because of his information that he posted as Curriculum Vitae to the Executive Mansion was misrepresentation of him.
The Executive Mansion nominated Darlington Karnley and attached to his qualification he brought to the job and out of astonishment; the CV attributed to him was deleted from Executive Mansion’s Website.
Moye said because of the nominee’s rejection of what was posted about him on the Executive Mansion Website about him, it means, Darlington Karnley is a strange man and because of that, he vowed not to vote for him.
In closing, the Chairman of the Committee, Daniel Naatehn in a rather reluctant mood, adjourned the hearing, stating that the Committee will make its report, on which the Plenary will vote and later hear from the President of Liberia.

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