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Cuttington To Launch Doctoral Degree Program


The Cuttington University is expected to formally launch its doctoral degree program in Ministry and Theology.
The ceremony to usher the terminal degree program to be introduced on the episcopal-run institution’s main campus of higher learning will take place on Wednesday, May 24 in Suacoco, Bong County.
The University’s president, Romell Horton, told the media that there shall be other programs in the future but until then, the institution is beginning with ministry and theology studies for terminal degree pursuers in the country.
She stated among many things that luncheon shall attract both local and international communities including the religious community, diplomatic missions, both government and the private sectors.
Horton believes that when such program is in motion locally, those desirous of advancing themselves in such discipline do not need to travel out of the country to pursue terminal degree.
CU could be the first higher institution of learning in the country to be offering a terminal degree starting with ministry and theology before progressing into other disciplines in the future.
Among the 40 universities and colleges in the country, few are offering bachelor and master degrees but not a terminal degree program.
However, Tubman University in Harper, Maryland County a state-owned was the first to announce its intent of starting doctoral program in the natural sciences sector alongside faculty from the Fourah Bay University of Sierra Leone in 2021.

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