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Cummings Maintains Critical Stance On Nat’l Issues


The Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Alexander Cummings, says public officials including the President, lawmakers and cabinet ministers should be held accountable, as they are being paid for their respective jobs.

Cummings said services rendered by President George Weah and officials of government are not free and that they must be demanded to perform their assigned tasks with diligence and commitment.

He said the prolonged absence of President Weah from the country, in the face of the worst economic conditions and huge suffering of the Liberian people, is unprecedented and calls for concern.

The CPP Standard Bearer spoke on a wide range of issues on Wednesday, November 30, on Kool FM Morning Ride program in Paynesville, Monrovia.
Cummings rejected claims by some callers that his consistent and persistent lashing out at the President and officials for gross incompetence, ineptitude and corruption, meant bad-mouthing them.

He said Liberians must hold their leaders’ feet to the fire, and demand of them, good stewardship in the performance of their statutory functions for which they are being compensated by tax payers.

He said the dismal performance of the President and his officials, compounded by the high level of stealing and wasteful spending, are the direct causes of the extreme suffering and poverty in Liberia.

He stressed that corruption has eroded every fabric of the Liberian society, and undermines every attempt at attracting foreign direct investments, badly needed to create jobs especially for thousands of unemployed youths.

The CPP Standard Bearer said President Weah is staying away from his country, while, the masses are struggling and suffering, noting that Leaders need to set good examples for their followers.

Cummings said Liberia will not change by mere talking or wishful thinking, but rather through hard work, sacrifice and doing what is legally right.
He reaffirmed his commitment to upholding the tenets of good governance, vowed to change the country’s intolerable economic environment, and aggressively combat corruption irrespective of who is involved.

He stated further that the CPP Government would ensure that civil servants, teachers, security officers and nurses receive better and improved salaries, while at same time, will impose the full force of the law on anyone involved in corruption.

Cummings said trade and commerce laws and regulations will be simplified for easy compliance and to detect any fraudulent acts in the system.
On the scarcity and rising costs of the nation’s staple food, rice, Mr. Cummings said it was shameful, after 175 years of existence, Liberia is still importing its staple food and far from being self-sufficient in food production to feed its people.

He said while, a CPP administration will invest heavily in agriculture, it will remove all restrictions and barriers including monopoly, maintain the free market system, adopt flexible laws to encourage more Liberians get involved in the importation of rice.

Cummings said farmers will be given incentives, granted access to credit facilities, and be encouraged to form cooperatives to buy seeds and fertilizers to increase their yields, thereby making farming profitable in Liberia.

He added that Agricultural students will be given the necessary skills, training and needed finances to become gainful employees and live better life.
On rehabilitation of disadvantaged youths, Cummings said a CPP Government would work and provide financial support to existing organizations and institutions including churches with appropriate programs that are assisting to rehabilitate drugs abused youths and transform them into becoming productive citizens.

He said those involved in smuggling and illegal importation and marketing of dangerous drugs will be made to face the full force of the law to serve as deterrent.
Cummings said a national youth service program is under consideration that will provide life-saving skills for youths in order to find employment and reduce their demand for dangerous drugs.

On the issue of the CPP and national unity of opposition Political Parties and leaders, Cummings said CPP is making significant strides in engaging partisans, mobilization of resources, since the breakaway of the UP and ALP.

He said despite the breakaway, there is need for political collaboration to ensure free, fair and transparent elections, credible and reliable biometric system, and that the 2022 Census is conducted with great degree of integrity.

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