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CSA Conducts Refresher
Training For Directors, Others


By Precious D. Freeman
The Civil Service Agency or Commission which began a 2-day manpower planning and budgeting training for human resource management of various government ministries and agencies is expected to end today in Monrovia.
The training held at the Ministerial Complex brought together heads of administration, human resource officers, directors and participants.
Speaking at the training, Onikeh S. Jackson, Deputy Director General for Human Resource Management and Policy at the Commission, said the training is designed to acquaint heads of administration and human resource directors with important pieces of human resource management policy.
She said the aim of the training is to establish acquaintance, understand the challenges in the human resource management system in spending entities across the nation in order to identify gaps, opportunities, and the role of human resource professionals in driving quality service deliverables.
Jackon noted that more refresher training seeks to identify and devise workable solutions to current human resource management challenges face by spending entities.
Those challenges include recruitment, staffing procedures, dismissal procedures, pay, and payroll management as well as grievance procedures, performance management, career development among others.
She reiterated that the event is an annual exercise conducted by the Commission in collaboration with Finance and Development Planning Ministry to review the spending entities of government’s organizational structure in relation to their current staffing, numbers and placement.
“The objective of this training is also to determine the optimum staffing needs of agencies relative to their work, requirement and budget,” the Commission official stated.
Jackson intoned that the training will access the efficiency of agencies’ current staffing and placement that will enable them to work on a conclusive personnel listing for their agencies.
“As the training begins, head of administration and human resource directors will gain new knowledge and best human resources that will optimize service deliverable for the Commission to increase competency,” she pointed out.

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