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Crush Rock Deal Backfires In Nimba


By Solomon T. Gaye
Reports from Nimba say joint security officers in Ganta have arrested and seized several trucks carrying crushed rocks from Liberia into Guinea.
The joint security explained that consignees carrying the crushed rock to Guinea arrived at the border on March 13, 2024 without documents from the requisite government institution, charging that the rocks were purchased from the Chinese company building road on the Saclepea-Tappita Highway.
“The Chinese company was contracted by the Government of Liberia to build road, but they are selling the rock under the pretense of building road,” the Joint Security disclosed.
When this paper contacted the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) at the border in Ganta, senior officers of customs disclosed that the documents required for export were displayed, but Joint Security refused to allow the trucks cross to Guinea.
“This is the second convoy of trucks, and nobody knows what led the Joint Security to seize these six trucks for documents when the first consignment crossed the border week ago,” a resident at the border said.
When this paper contacted the Ministry of Mines and Energy representative in Nimba, James Toe, he remained tight-lipped.
When this paper contacted CICO operation site in Yarson Town, workers referred the paper to contact Z and H Chinese Manager, on grounds that they are not close with the authority to speak to the press.
Since the beginning of March 2024, nearly on a daily basis, convoys of trucks loaded with crushed rocks leave from Saclepea Highway and pass through Ganta to Yekepa Highway, under the watchful eyes of the resident Public Works engineers and the Ministry of Mines and Energy representative, and Joint Security in the county.
When this paper contacted the truck drivers, they told the Inquirer that their boss had traveled to Monrovia to run after the documents.

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