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County Attorneys, Prosecutors Threaten Strike Action
…As Justices Accept Finance Minister Tweah’s Apology

Almost all of the government lawyers have planned an action to be meted against the court if the Ministry of Finance, and Development Planning fails to address issues of their benefits and salary.

The National Association of Prosecutors of Liberia (NAPL) threatened to boycott the November Term of Court, if the Government of Liberia fails to uphold the promises made to them.

In a written communication addressed to the Ministry of Justice, Frank Musa Dean, the Association cited unpaid salaries and benefits that state prosecutors should receive in order to adequately carry out their functions.

Addressing the Minister in a letter dated November 1, the president of NAPL, Adolphus Karnuah, called on the government to fulfill their request as was negotiated in the meeting, thus providing vehicles for county prosecutors within the various counties; at the same time, increasing the salaries of prosecutors across the country.

“The current salaries of State prosecutors are unrealistic and unacceptable and the body has resolved that salaries of prosecutors be increased to commemorate with the herculean work and task associated with prosecution,” Karnuah noted

He also lamented that the government should urgently address the issue of six prosecutors who were admitted as Counsellors-at-law; urging that their status be improved in order to accommodate their roles.
Cllr Karnuah said if said request are not granted, prosecutors across the country will stay away from the court’s term this November.

“As failure for those demands to be met, prosecutors under this banner will engage in the boycott of courts across the country,” he reiterated.

He called on the Minister of Justice to communicate with relevant agencies of government in order to address their request as the NAPL remains available to discussions that will lead to a resolution of their concerns being raised.

Also, Criminal Courts in Liberia are expected to open on Monday, but county attorneys across the country have also threatened to stage protest against government due to benefits owed them.

River Gee County Senator Jonathan Boye-Charles Sogbie told plenary that the planned action by attorneys across Liberia is in line with their benefits to enable them settle their personal obligations ranging from rents, gasoline, scratch or phone cards, vehicles, and many others.

The Senator indicated that the planned action by the aggrieved protesters is troubling noting, “We have people who have been languishing in prison and are awaiting justice and justice will not be served because of this strike action.”

The Senate yesterday unanimously voted to summon Justice Minister, Musa Frank Dean for inquiries on Thursday 10, November and he will be expected to respond to threats from the county attorneys against the judiciary due to some reported monies owed them over the years.

With the alarming warning signs, the Supreme Court Justices recalled their writ issued to the Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Samuel Tweah on mere apology.

Minister Tweah was issued a writ of arrest on Monday for delaying judicial workers’ salaries by the Supreme Court but appearing before the Justices yesterday at the Temple of Justice, Tweah accompanied by the Solicitor General-designate Nyanti Tuan attributed the delay in salaries of judicial workers to a technical error.

All he did was to apologize and assured the Justices that the salaries of September and October 2022 have been deposited in the account and that the Ministry will work to ensure that every employee receives his/her salaries.

“The month of September is already being paid out and the month of October will be paid by the end of this week respectively” he stated.

The Chief Justice however quashed the contempt and warned the Minister that the repetition of those acts will warrant a stiff penalty adding “On the matters of the financial autonomy act, you will henceforth respect and adhere to said act.”

Justice Yuoh urged the Minister, “The writ of arrest is therefore purged and you are now a free to perform your duties as the Minister of Finance and Development Planning.”

On Monday November 7, the Supreme Court issued a writ of arrest on the Minister of Finance for impeding courts functions and creating constitutional crisis for the Judiciary.

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