The Inquirer is a leading independent daily newspaper published in Liberia, based in Monrovia. It is privately owned with a "good reputation".

Costa Runs Snowe From CDC Campaign Team -Will He Part Ways With Weah Too?

By Bill W. Cooper

The recent endorsement of the re-election of President George M. Weah by the Urey family might be causing more harm than good for the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) in the upcoming runoff election.

On Sunday, October 29, 2023, former allies of Joseph Boakai shock of thousands, as the family endorsed the re-election of Weah.

The trio, Benoni, Telia and political Talk-show host, Henry Costa of the All Liberian Party (ALP) who, for the past five years, have been very critical of Weah’s government on alleged corruption, mysterious killings, and acquiring unexplainable wealth, stood firmly with of the Unity Party (UP) during the turmoil of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP).

The CPP, coming into being after the 2017 Presidential and Legislative Elections, with the aim to oust the Weah led-administration, was a conglomeration of the Alternative National Congress (ANC), Unity Party (UP), Liberty Party (LP) and the All Liberian Party (ALP).

What caused the shock was not the endorsement, but for many who had gone to form part of the ceremony, it was the noticeable absence of key party officials, including Chairman Mulbah Morlu; Secretary General Jefferson Koijee, and Youth Wing Chair Mulbah Johnson, among others.

And with less than two days after the endorsement, the Inquirer Newspaper was reliably informed that Bomi County Senator, Edwin Melvin Snowe, also announced his decision to discontinue his campaign for the re-election of President Weah.

Sen. Snowe, in his action, also announced his resignation from the CDC campaign team, with barely two more weeks to the run-off between President Weah and former VP Boakai on November 14, 2023, after both candidates failed to obtain outright majority of the total votes cast on October 10, 2023.

Sen. Snowe was charged with the responsibility of delivering the Western Counties, which include Bomi, Gbarpolu, and Grand Cape Mount, to the CDC, during the first round of elections and potential runoff.

The Bomi County Senator, according to our source, cited various reasons for his departure, signaling a potential shift in the dynamics of Liberian politics, which is linked to the coming on board of Costa and his political leader.

Our source said, the Senator, in a communication to the President, clearly stated that he cannot work with Costa on the same team, even though his main reason for such decision is still sketchy.

The Senator also expressed concerns over what he perceived will be a contributing factor, were the CDC to lose in the runoff to Boakai and the UP, over what he described as Costa’s lack of consistency and tolerance.

Sen. Snowe, in conveying his resignation from the CDC campaign team, made it clear that he could no longer campaign for the re-election of President Weah with the likes of Costa and Urey by his (President Weah) side.

Meanwhile, Sen. Snowe’s decision to part ways with the CDC campaign team has since sent shockwaves through the CDC and across Liberia, owing to the fact that the Sen. has been a long-standing member of the party and a key supporter of the President and his administration.

In recent months, Sen. Snowe has been increasingly vocal in promoting and pushing the agenda of the CDC, mainly at the level of the Liberian Senate, and his departure could potentially create division within the CDC.

However, it is crucial to note that the Senator’s resignation does not necessarily signify a complete departure from the CDC party or a shift in allegiances to an opposing political party.

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