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Commitment To Democracy Key
To Prosperous, Self-reliant Liberia


Ambassador Michael McCarthy says a prosperous and self-reliant Liberia requires a commitment to democratic values, including “a commitment to rule of law that supports freedom and investment, and a commitment to the Liberian people themselves – their health, education, and other needs.”
Ambassador McCarthy spoke last Friday on Providence Island in Monrovia, at the official launch of celebrations marking the 200th anniversary of the landing of freed black immigrants from the United States, which culminated 25 years later on July 26, 1847 with Liberia’s declaration of independence, making the country the first independent republic in Africa.
McCarthy said the United States and Liberia “represent two of the oldest continuous republics in the world, and share a unique history paired with common democratic values.” He added that this unique history was on display two weeks ago when Presidents Joe Biden and George Weah joined with other democratic leaders at the first installment of the Summit for Democracy at which time the United States and Liberia pledged themselves to defend against authoritarianism, address and fight corruption, and promote respect for human rights.

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