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Commercial “Sex Worker” Dies From Anal Sex In Paynesville


Police in Monrovia are reportedly investigating an unidentified man believe to be daily hirer for having intercourse with a “commercial sex worker” in the anus thus resulting to her alleged death in the Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev Market in Paynesville District.
According to the Hott FM Crime Watch News on Friday, April 21, the deceased only identified as Princess, and a mother of five children met her untimely death having suffered from running stomach after the accused allegedly had sex with her in the anus.
Princess’ aunt, Ma Leemah who is not surprised by the news reportedly told the police that her niece has been a “commercial sex worker” for some time now which she used to support her children but she wondered why she should agree to allow someone have sex with her in the anus.
The woman said her niece has been in the commercially trading sex for long time through which she had children; some whose fathers are yet to be known but despite numerous pieces of advice from family members and friends, Princess refused to desist from her habit.
However, neither the police nor her aunt could state whether Princess has been buried and when will the accused be arraigned before court to answer to whatever charges that might have been brought against him.
The death of a “commercial sex worker” should not be a strange matter because there has been many of these happening nowadays particularly in post-war countries and Liberia is not unique to this as women and men whether young or older use such oldest trade or profession to make living.
In Fishtown, River Gee County, recently five juveniles were arrested by the police for allegedly engaging in “commercial sex” to support their parents or guardians.
Normally, commercial sex workers are adults who receive money or goods in exchange for consensual sexual services or erotic performances, either regularly or occasionally.
They sell sexual services in order to earn a livelihood.
The vast majority of sex workers choose to do sex work because it is the best option they have while others do so while struggle with poverty and destitution and have few no other options for work.
Apparently, accept for Liberia, but sex work offers better pay though it is risky but where established by policy, it offers more flexible working conditions than other jobs; while more to that, some pursue sex work to explore and express their sexuality

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