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CNDRA Officiates Speechless,
Impaired Couple Wedding


The Center for National Documents and Records Agency has for the first time officiated a wedding ceremony between two speech and hearing impaired people in sign language.
The wedding was conducted on Wednesday, October 5, 2022, at the Agency’s Mini Wedding Hall, situated on the 12th Street, Sinkor, in Monrovia City, Liberia.
Nigerian born American Information Technology Specialist, Mr. James W. Adeyemi, who found love and traveled from the United States of America tied the knot with a beautiful Liberian woman, Miss. Zanimba Dugbo, from Montserrado County.
The scene was a victory of love as the couple proceeded towards the podium for the official signing of the Marriage Certificate and Licenses.
The lovely and infrequent marriage of a mute couple was witnessed by the Liberian National Archives Director-General, Emmanuel A. Lomax, members of the speech impaired community in Liberia, friends and supporters of the newly wedded couples.
Minutes after the wedding ceremony, the deaf-and-mute couple with undying love for each other steps out of the hall for a photo shot along with several guests in the agency’s compound.
Mr. James W. Adeyemi, and Miss. Zanimba Dugbo, are the first voiceless couple to host a wedding event at the Center for National Documents and Records Agency since its establishment on November 14, 1977.

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