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Cllr. Momoh Hooked For Gender-Based Violence


The Civil Society Network of Liberia (CSNL) has expressed condemnation and disappointment in Cllr. Johnny Momoh for humiliating and demeaning Madam Marie Nellon (his fiancée for over 8 years). It can be recalled that on December 11, 2022 Cllr. Momoh led a group of thugs and notorious guys at the home of Madam Nellon; broke into her house Andal allegedly threw all of her belongings into the streets while she was away to do her Covid-19 Vaccine. \
This reckless and irresponsible action by Cllr. Momoh led to Madam Nellon to lose several of her belongings; including US$500,000 worth of jewelries; clothes and money amounting to US$75,387; 3,000 Euros and CF$5,000. Madam Marie Nellon immediately took Cllr. Johnny Momoh to court for remedy in recovering her belongings and money.
Having investigated this issue, the Civil Society Network of Liberia sees Cllr. Johnny Momoh’s action against his fiancée as not only an intrusion into her privacy, but attack her right as a woman. Cllr. Momoh inflicted psychological and emotional violence against Madam Marie Nellon. It was utterly unprofessional and unethical for Cllr. Momoh to have ignored the use of the law and lead gangsters at the home of Madam Nellon to throw her belongings into the streets.
This was highly unspeakable and horrifying for Cllr. Momoh, who has served for many years in the legal field.
Our investigation established that the basis of Cllr. Momoh’s ridiculous action against Madam Marie Nellon is unjustifiable and insubstantial. Being his longtime fiancée, Cllr. Momoh sent US$52,000 to Madam Marie Nellon while she was on a business expedition in China for her to purchase Jing Jong Drinks and import them to Liberia for business purpose. Records and information provided by Madam Nellon showed how she bought 2,000 cartons of Jing Jong in China and imported them to Liberia. Having spent 12,000 in freight charge, she gave US$20,000 cash to Cllr. Momoh and invested US$45,000 in the reopening of Cllr. Momoh’s night club in Brewerville (Warwusu). She later gave $10,000 to Cllr. Momoh as continuation of payment to him. In apparent disregard for their relationship, Cllr. Momoh tormented Madam Nellon to the extent that she was being regularly haunted by witchcraft. She regularly saw strange things in her dreams and physically saw a dead owl before the house.
The Civil Society Network of Liberia wants to makes it crystal clear that Cllr. Johnny Momoh’s action is a shame and disgrace to the law profession. Lawyers are expected to be examples in the usage of the law in resolving conflicts. It beats our imagination for a well-known lawyer in Cllr. Momoh to have caused so much psychological and emotional pain for a Liberian woman who was his serious fiancée for eight years. What is much more painful is that Madam Marie Nellon spent US$90,000 on the construction of the house from which she was thrown out by Cllr. Momoh. Cllr. Momo was heartless and inhumane to have treated a woman that stayed with him for over eight years in such manner.
Consequently, the Civil Society Network of Liberia calls on the Brewerville Magistrate Court do an expeditious and impartial hearing of Madam Marie Nellon’s case against Cllr. Momoh. This Liberian lady has suffered too much pain and needs speedy justice. The Civil society stands with Madam Nellon and will continue to advocate until she gets justice.

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