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Civil Servants To Elect New Leadership In Ganta


Civil servants from several Government Ministries, Agencies and Commissions are expected to converge in Ganta, Nimba County this Wednesday for the second national congress of the association which will be climaxed with the election of new corps of officers.

The first ever national congress of the association was held in 2018 at the Centennial Pavilion in Monrovia.
According to members of the CSAL’s Congress Committee, since the Association is financially incapable of transporting the over 70, 000 civil servants to Ganta, Nimba County for the Congress, the 26 government Ministries, Agencies and Commissions who are full members of the CSAL will be represented by five delegates each.

The CSAL’s Congress Committee disclosed that nomination and the submission of letters of intent from interested individuals for various positions have been completed and that those that are qualified by meeting the guidelines of the CSAL’s constitution have been certified and certificated.

The Chairman, Co. Chairman and Secretary General of the CSAL’s Congress Committee revealed that the over 150 delegates who also include officials of the current leadership of the CSAL will arrive in Ganta on November 23, 2022 while Congress will convene on November 24, 2022 to be followed by business session and election on November 25, 2022.

Mr. Harrison Cole, Mrs. Yah Yini and Mr. Edwin Smith respectively, disclosed that their Congress Committee is still finding it difficult to raise the projected US$26,000 needed to cover expenditures for transportation, lodging and feeding for delegates and other logistical imperatives necessary for the successful hosting of the CSAL’s congress.

They noted that commitments and promises made by prominent individuals including public and private institutions to contribute funds for the CSAL’s congress are yet to be realized.

They indicated that despite the delay, they (CSAL’S Congress Committee) remains hopeful and will continue to make follow-up as they are also appealing to the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning and the National Social Security and Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) to make good their commitments.

They emphasized that their continuous appeal to well-meaning individuals and institutions is premised on the basis that government workers’ salaries are severely compressed and insufficient to even cater to their family needs and as such they cannot shift the burden to transport and cater for them at the pending Congress.

The CSAL’s Congress which will run from November 24-25 will be climaxed with the election of officials to run the association for the next five years, as the CSAL’s constitution states that the Association should go to congress after every five years to elect a new corps of officers to serve a five-year term.

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