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Citizens Lobbying For Monabah’s Retention At LLA


By Stephen N. Tokpah
Several citizens in Lofa, Bong, and Nimba Counties are urging the government to retain the current chairperson of the Liberia Land Authority (LLA), Adams Manobah.
The chairperson of the Community Land Development and Management Committee (CLDMC) in Lofa County, Korpo Smith, said the current Management team of the LLA, headed by Atty Manobah, has massively transformed the land sector of the country.
The Lofa County CLDMC said the LLA Chairman has also improved the system’s infrastructure, while at the same time, allowing the ordinary citizens and communities to have access to customary and statutory land deeds in Liberia.
Madam Smith revealed that through the leadership of Atty Manobah, residents, including chiefs, elders, women and youth groups in Fesibu and Bluyeama Zone ll rejoiced as the LLA issues statutory and customary land deeds to communities after the Completion of the Customary Land Formalization (CLF).
According to her, LLA and Land Management Activity (LMA), with support from USAID-Liberia, issued Customary and Statutory Land Deeds to the people of Fissebu and Bluyeama Zone II Communities, Zorzor District, after their successful completion of the steps and processes required for Customary Land Formalization as enshrined within the Land Rights Act of 2018.
Also speaking, Elder Flomo Paye of Gahn Town in Sanoyea District 7, Bong County described the LLA Chairman as a man who is willing to work for Liberia development, in turn of settling land conflict.
He revealed that in January of 2023, Gahn along with other communities in Bong County, namely, Panta and Wrunah received certificates from the LLA after completing the Community-Self Identification (CSI) process.
The CSI is the first required step to obtaining Statutory Land Deeds under the Land Rights Law (LRL) of 2018.
Elder Paye called on President Boakai to retain the LLA Chairman, if only he wants the land sector to improve as it has reformed under the watch of Atty. Manobah adding that if the LLA’s current chairman is changed, it could undermine the sector’s progress across the country.
Alphonso K. Henries, of Nimba County said Atty Adams J. Monabah has done well explaining that in July of 2023, the LLA issued eight Statutory Land Deeds to eight customary communities in Nimba, Sinoe, Maryland and Grand Cape Mount Counties under the project “Sustaining Peace and Reconciliation through Land Governance and Dispute Resolution Mechanism, something he described as big boost for the land sector.
“That program was held in Ganta, Nimba County and it brought several citizens and local leaders from these counties,” he recalled.
According to Mr. Henries, the turning over ceremony of the deeds brought great joy to the people of Nimba, particularly the people of Gbeyee and Vaye Clans.
LLA is an autonomous agency established by an Act of the Legislature on October 5, 2016 with a mandate to develop policies on a continuous basis, understand actions and implement programs in support of good land governance, land administration and management.
On October 10, 2018, the government published the Land Rights Act (LRA), thus making the law effective.

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