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Churches Want Referendum Postponed


The Liberia Council of Churches has joined many others in calling for the postponement of the pending December 8, referendum.
In a statement issued yesterday, LCC said propose that the National Referendum be RESCHEDULED before or for the 2023 Presidential and Legislative elections allowing adequate preparations, sensitizing and educating the public by the NEC, the GOL, Civic society, and other national stakeholders including the religious community, on the Referendum.
“As it stands, the Liberia Council of Churches engagement with its membership across the country shows that civic/voters’ education on the Referendum scheduled for December 8, 2020, is limited and this needs to be reversed. Secondly, the time to do the required civic/voters education across the 15 counties now, is short; therefore, the Referendum should be rescheduled to a later date to allow for proper planning, community awareness/sensitization and participation, amongst others. The Liberian people must own this process through their fullest participation
“We hope and pray that the Government of Liberia, the National Elections Commission and the People of Liberia will take our recommendation in good faith. This proposal is in the interest of sustaining peace, security, the rule of law and strengthening participatory democracy and good governance in Liberia.” See Full Text on page 53

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