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Church Honors Inquirer’s
Student Journalist


The Grace and Wonders Evangelistic Church (GWEC) observed its annual mother’s Day program by honoring several women including Inquirer’s student reporter, Cecelia Leelai Wingbah who was recognized as a Special Sister of the year.
According to the church, Special Sister Wingbah was honored for her spiritual contributions to the church and her community as well as her serves to the church secretariat and the youth department.
The guest preacher, Mother Kineth S. Payne, whose exhortation was on the theme “Are you a virtuous woman?” with scripture drawn from Proverb 31: 10, said the church of nowadays is polluted with all kinds of negative things and preached that it is the life styles of Christian woman that either encourage more women to come to Christ or discourage them from the church.
According to her, if the church will grow, it depends on the virtues that will come out of Christian mothers as examples for the younger women stating, “Mothers are not people who put their hands in things and fail” making references to some women in the Bible like Esther, Hannah, Ruth and others.
The women’s president, Nyeh C. Y. Gee was then crowned, sashed and honored as the Mother of the Year 2022/ 2023 based on her hard work and sacrifices made towards God’s kingdom.
The Mother of the Year then promised to do her duties by the grace of God and through the help of all the mothers.
Meanwhile the outgoing Mother of the year on behalf of the women department thanked the guest speaker and also the congregation in general for making the program a success.

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