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China To Support BCC


By Nyema Nma, Jr.
The Chinese Ambassador to Liberia says his government will develop a step-by-step approach to support the Bomi Community College and the Liberian educational system in general.
Ambassador Ren Yisheng made the statement during an exclusive interview in Tubmanburg, Bomi County following the induction of Dr. Abimelech Gbatu as president of the Bomi Community College on Friday, June 10, 2022.
The Chinese Ambassador noted that China’s support to Liberia’s development is visible in every sector, especially in education, health as well as infrastructure development.
Ambassador Yisheng said China has awarded scholarships to hundreds of Liberian students in various educational disciplines from bachelor to doctorate degree programs.
The Ambassador added that the Chinese government is proud to produce Liberian educators, doctors as well as engineers who are working to develop their country stating, “All of China is proud that one of our students is now the president of a college. We will support him in all of his programs as much as we can,”
He said Dr. Gbatu and several other Liberians, including doctors, nurses, educators as well as engineers received their trainings from various Chinese universities.
The Chinese diplomat told journalists that his government is working with the administration of the Booker Washington Institute (BWI) to enhance the capacities of both the students and administration pointing out, “We are interested in training as much Liberia students as possible who will come home to contribute to their country’s development.”
Ambassador Yisheng said, “We know that some educational institutions are facing difficulties in infrastructure as well as manpower development and we will try our best to support them.”

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