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Cheaitou Bros Inc. Donates To Orphanage


By Alex Yomah
In an effort to identifying with Liberians during the end of Ramadan which is said to be customary, Cheaitou Brothers incorporated, provided financial assistance in the amount of L$100,000 to an orphanage home dubbed Concerned Children in Difficult Circumstances Orphanage Home Incorporated. (CCDCOH)
Cheaitou Bros Incorporated, a legally registered business operating in Liberia is involved in a wholesale frozen meat and fish trade.
Making the donation on behalf of the company’s Chief Executive Officer [CEO], Houssien Cheaitou, in New the Georgia Old Field on Friday, May 21, the Chief Financial Officer of Cheaitou Brothers, Mohammed J. Sonie, indicated that the gesture was intended to assist a group of people that cannot afford especially during the time of Ramadan.
Quoting Houssien Cheaitou, Mr. Sonie said, “This entity owned and operated by a Lebanese Muslim named Houssien S. Cheaitou by Islamic practice, it is incumbent upon all Muslims who can afford to arm or assist those who cannot afford or those who are in dying needs regardless of religion. So upon this, the above mentioned business entity provided the ‘stated amount’ to Concerned Children in Difficult Circumstances Orphanage Home for the up keep of the kids.”
According to them, it is predicated upon the Holy Quran which among other things requests believer who can afford to give to citizens in dire needs regardless of religion that Cheaitou Brothers incorporated managed by Muslims selected the Concerned Children in Difficult Circumstances Orphanage Home owned and operated by an Executive Director who is a Christian by faith to benefit from the entity’s gesture.
The Entity’s Chief Financial Officer, Sonie admonished the Orphanage Home to use the amount donated for its intended purpose and assured that he will do a follow-up on the donation with an objective of seeking other support for the institution; provided the amount given is used wisely.
Receiving the donation, the Executive Director of Concerned Children In Difficult Circumstances Orphanage Home Inc., William R. Jrikan, expressed appreciations to the management of Cheaitou Brothers Inc., for the donation, stating that the gesture came at a time when the institution is in need of help.
“This donation is great. I am very grateful to Cheaitou Brothers Incorporated for the donation. We want to be grateful to Cheaitou Brothers Inc. for the support,” Jrikan expressed.
“We are especially elated because the donation came at a time when almost every business is down due to the ravaging of the coronavirus and for your entity to take its meager resources to support this orphanage, this is worth our commendations,” he said.
“Prior to this donation, our challenges were enormous. To name a few; to find the kids’ footwear and clothing, as well as a daily soup kinds for the kids’ meals. This gesture will help in mitigating some of the existing financial hurdles confronting us,” the Executive Director of Concerned Children Orphanage Home asserted.

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