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Chairman Sammie Announces Major Political Rally
-Says MOVEE Will Be Formidable In 2023


The Movement for Economic Empowerment (MOVEE) has announced a huge political festival in honor of Minister Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr., its recently elected political leader to be held on October 8, 2022.
Currently serving as Liberia’s Foreign Minister, Kemayah worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the Deputy Minister for Administration and moved on to the United Nations in New York as Liberia’s Permanent Representative in 2018.
At the party’s Paynesville headquarters on Tuesday, October 4, 2022, MOVEE’s National Chairperson, Robert M. Sammie made the announcement and explained that the political rally’s purpose is to present Minister Kemayah with the party’s decision from its Emergency National Convention held on September 17.
MOVEE, at its emergency convention recently held in Monrovia, elected Minister Kemayah as its political leader in absentia therefore, the political rally is intended for supporters, sympathizers, and affiliates of the party to assemble in large numbers to welcome the political leader and formally announce the decision to name him political leader.
On Friday, October 7, 2022, the party will have a special National Executive Committee (NEC) to make a number of critical decisions intended to reposition the party and make it a formidable force, though the party is most likely not to field a presidential candidate in the 2023 presidential and legislative elections, according to the National Chairperson.
The party has however, vowed to field representative and senatorial candidates.
According to Sammy, a lot of work is being done to ensure the program is successful and claimed that while extensive repairs and cleanup are being done at MOVEE’s headquarters, mobilization is happening throughout the county’s 17 voting districts.
The hoisting of the party and county flags, as well as the unveiling of a massive billboard at the Party Headquarters, would kick off the program on Saturday, he disclosed.
Following the function on Saturday, all elected officials, will meet and greet with the political leader on Sunday following an intercessory service at a nearby church in Monrovia.
The True Whig Party (TWP), Victory for Change Party (VCP) and the Democratic Justice Party are three of the four constituent parties of the opposition Rainbow Alliance, which also includes MOVEE.
However, given that its political leader is a top government official and a fervent admirer of President George Weah, it is unclear whether MOVEE will stay in the Alliance.

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