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Cummings’ Lawyers Drag Judge Jallah On Summary Proceedings
The Lawyers representing ANC political leader Alexander Cummings have dragged Magistrate Jomah Jallah to the Criminal Court “ A” Judge on summary proceedings.A proceeding in a lower court,!-->…
Despite Ultimatum–Normal Business Activities Still Ongoing At Red-light
Normal business activities in the Redlight and Gobarchop Markets are said to be ongoing despite government's push for the relocation of marketers to the newly constructed 14 Gobarchop!-->…
LMHRA Releases Results From Risk-based Post Market Surveillance
The Liberia Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Authority (LMHRA) with support from the United States Pharmacopeia & Promoting the Quality of Medicines Plus (USP PQM+) Liberia's!-->…
Armed Forces Day Activities Kick Off Tomorrow
Authority of the Liberia Armed Forces Liberia (AFL) has announced activities leading to the commemoration of this year's Armed Forces Day.In a press statement issued, signed by Sam!-->…
Senate Set Up Inquiry To Probe Stampede …Summons MYS For Reported Looting
Due to the failure of the Liberia National Police to provide status report on the deaths of 29 peaceful citizens and several persons that were wounded, the Liberian Senate has set up a!-->…
Sanoyea Pastoral Network Inc.
Concludes 2-day Spiritual Warfare Prayer
The Sanoyea Pastoral Network Inc. under the guidance of its founder, Amos P.G. Sackie, has conducted a two-day spiritual warfare prayer and tarry night in the district telling residents!-->…
Youth Entrepreneurs Display Talent At UNDP
Liberia’s Growth Accelerator…
From snail farming to chocolate making, meat production and healthy lunches for Monrovia's urban population, Liberia's youth entrepreneurs competed strongly in UNDP Liberia's inaugural!-->…
“This Case Is Between
Bility And Myself”
…Says Dillon; Proves Unpreparedness
By Grace Q. BryantAppearing before the Civil Law Court yesterday, Senator Abraham Darius Dillon said he was unprepared to file a bond against a US$1.5 million charge levied against him by!-->…
UBAL Pres. Seeks Better Opportunities
By Bill W. CooperThe President of the United Blind Association of Liberia (UBAL), Wilson Geewon, is seeking humanitarian organizations and National government to create the necessary!-->…
Gov’t, LTMI Plan MOU Ceremony Cancel
By Bill W. CooperA planed program intended for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the government of Liberia and the Liberia Traffic Management Incorporated (LTMI)!-->…