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150 Women, Girls Benefits From Entrepreneurship, Leadership Training
The Impact Institute (II), an indigenous Liberian group has organized a two- day capacity building and entrepreneurs training for young women and girls aimed at building their capacity and!-->…
New Mobile-App “My Watchman” Launched In Liberia -For Emergency Response Purposes
By Bill W. CooperA new mobile-app with 24 hours secured monitoring and emergency dispatch command center has for security emergency response purposes has been launched in Liberia.The new!-->…
Gov’t Dedicate Mobile Tower In Gbarpolu
As means of improving the country's telecommunication sector, the Government of Liberia has officially dedicated the second mobile base station tower in Gbarpolu County through its!-->…
A Call To The Government Of Liberia For The Introduction Of Telecommunications And…
The inclusion of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) issues in the curriculum and provision of these technologies in our schools have raised many issues of concern to educators,!-->…
The agriculture sector has the potential to support the SDGs 1, 2, 8, and 13. The sector has untapped resources that can initiate growth and reduce poverty through available employment!-->…
Liberia Needs ICT Capacity Building For Economic Growth
Author: B. Geeplay WilliamsProgram Director at Code Brain Liberia, Regional Director at West Africa ICT Working Group Studies Cyber-Security at Obefemi Awolowo University in Nigeria !-->!-->!-->…
Liberia: Honey Pot For Cyber-criminal; Speedy Passage Of Cyber Law
Author: B. Geeplay Williams Program Director at Code Brain Liberia, Regional Director at West Africa ICT Working Group Studies Cyber-Security at Obefemi Awolowo University in Nigeria !-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
Cybercrimes Has Increased Considerably In Liberia’s
There is an urgent need for the government of Liberia through the above mentioned government Ministries, Agency and Commission (MAC) to speedily adopt the drafted POLICY and STRATEGY on!-->…
Utilizing Online-Marketing And Branding; With Some Scenario In Local Communities In…
By:WILLIE BEE TINGBA, JRDIGITAL RIGHTS ACTIVISTREPUBLIC OF LIBERIA Online Marketing Online marketing involves the advertising and selling of goods and!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
Liberian Females Can Write Codes, Design Websites –Encouraging Girls To…
By: Willie Bee Tingba, Jr. Digital Rights Activist, Republic of Liberia Much has been said about the shortage of females in the ICT spectrum. This problem does not only affect a!-->!-->!-->…