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Churches Criticize Boakai For Bad Governance …Outline Lack Of Rule Of Law,…
The Liberia Council of Churches (LCC) says it is beginning to recognize signs of bad governance in the first six months of President Joseph Boakai’s government.According to the LCC’s stern!-->…
Liberia To Host Int’l Confab On Leadership Deficit
Liberia has been selected to host the first edition of the exponential conference which aimed at revitalizing ministries with focus on practical insights to transform business leadership,!-->…
FDA, IWL Launches Anti-Corruption Reporting Tool
By Precious D. FreemanThe Integrity Watch Liberia (IWL) and the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) has boosted the forestry sector by launching an anti-corruption mobile application!-->…
Gov’t, Partners Pump Over US$20M In Sinoe’s Coastal Resilience Project
The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP), along with the Ministries of Mines & Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, and Public Works, has signed a contract to!-->…
CSOs In Mano River Region Unite To End SGBV
Several Civil Society Organizations (CSO) from the Mano River Region united under the Theme ‘Concerted Actions for Zero Tolerance Against SGBV in the Mano River Region’ have ended a!-->…
‘LDEA’s Action Obstructed Our Operations’ … Joint Security Complains In…
By Solomon GayeAs allegation of joint security obstruction reaching this paper links the Ganta Border’s Drug Enforcement Agency Commander Abraham Payne.ECOWA assigned representative Nathan!-->…
ULAA Delegation Expected In Liberia Soon
A delegation from the Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas (ULAA) will depart the United States this week and arrive in Liberia on July 20, 2024, to meet with officials of the!-->…
Rep. Cooper Urges GMLC To Remain Focused On Charity
By Precious D. FreemanThe Representative of District 5 in Montserrado County, Prescilla Cooper has urged members of the Greater Monrovia Lions Club (GMLC) to remain focused on charity.She!-->…
TVET Stakeholders Validate IECD -Developed Electricity Curriculum
The Liberian government along with its private sector partners has validated the national Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) curriculum for electricity to be taught in all!-->…
300,000 Meters Expected Soon – LEC CEO Discloses
By Grace Q. BryantThe Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC), Monie Captan, has announced that the LEC has arranged for the importation of an additional!-->…