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Over 190 Liberians To Study In China
About 192 Liberian students are set to leave the country on the Chinese government's scholarships program with an opportunity to study at various universities in China.This followed the!-->…
‘Quality Education Is Important’
…SEC Prexy Tells 22nd Graduating Class
By S. Siapha MulbahThe president and Chief Executive Officer of the Standard English Center (SEC), had flagged the importance of quality education to its 22nd graduating class as a means to!-->…
“No Room For Errors”
-UL Prexy Tells Camp xSEL Graduates
The president of the state-run University of Liberia, Julius Sarwolo Nelson, describes graduates of the Excellence in Science Education for Liberia (Camp xSEL) as the crème de la crème for!-->…
22 Liberians Benefit From
ArcelorMittal’s Scholarship
Twenty-two young Liberians have been awarded academic scholarships by ArcelorMittal Liberia to study overseas, for advanced degrees in various science-related disciplines.The Advanced!-->…
Parents Object To Registration Fee, But…
Hike in registration fees has led to some parents and guardians in Grand Cape Mount County refusal to register their children in public schools for this academic school.According to reports!-->…
Students’ Performance In WAEC Not Encouraging -WAEC Official Declares
An official from the West African Examination Council (WAEC), Patrick G Sagbeh, admitted that student’s performances in mathematics is not encouraging despite trainings being provided by!-->…
PAW, Samuel Grimes Initiative End
Addiction Counseling Training
The Samuel Grimes Initiative for at-risk-youth under the patronage of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Inc. (P.A.W) has ended 10-day drugs and substance addiction counseling training!-->…
Kai G. Wleh Releases New Book
Award-winning Journalist Kai G. Wleh, Editor-In-Chief of the African Star Newspaper and African Star Online, has released a new book entitled: Liberty Hijacked- A History of How the Love of!-->…
UN, Private Sector Hold Roundtable Dialogue Today
The United Nations in Liberia is hosting a One-day Roundtable Dialogue with the private sector on today, August 23, 2022, at the Monrovia City Hall to discuss and identify opportunities for!-->…
Education Deploys 200 Female Counselors Across Liberia
As the government persists on the continuous support for the advancement of Girls’ Education, the Ministry of Education, with support from the World Bank, over the weekend, deployed 200!-->…