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UL To Offer BA Degree In Chinese
The Confucius Institute at the University of Liberia (CIUL) will be offering a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Chinese language in a move to promote culture and friendship between Liberia and!-->…
J. W. Pearson Tops WASSCE In Nimba
By Solomon T. Gaye Sr. According to a report from Nimba, the John Wesley Pearson Extension Senior High School, located at the LPMC Community in Ganta, topped the recent regional!-->!-->!-->…
Teeko Tozay Yorlay Earns Doctorate Degree From Durban University
Teeko Tozay Yorlay earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Management Sciences (Public Administration-Peace Studies) from the Durban University of Technology in Durban City in South Africa. On!-->!-->!-->…
Simpson Challenges Best Brain Graduates
The principal/administrator of the Haywood Mission Institute challenged the 2022/2023 graduating class of the Best Brain Academy to be focused and studious in their pursuit of sound and!-->…
WAEC Withholds Catholic School Examination Results In Nimba
By Solomon T. Gaye Sr According to recent reports, the West African Examination Council has withheld St. Lawrence Catholic Senior High School’s national examination results in Ganta,!-->!-->!-->…
Captan Encourages Haywood Graduates
Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) Board of Directors’ Chairman, Monie R. Captan, has challenged graduates of the Haywood Institute to apply three characteristics in their educational!-->…
Govt., ACTS Dedicate New School In Bong
The Government, in league with a local Non-governmental Organization called Actions Transforming Lives (ACTS), has dedicated a newly constructed school building, which cost over!-->…
Weah Awards Scholarship To First Time Voter
In President George Weah's commitment to improving the lives of young Liberians, he has awarded a life-changing scholarship to the representative of first-time voters, Alieu Jalloh, in!-->…
ECOWAS, NDMA Hold For Liberian Teachers
By S. Siapha Mulbah The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is holding a three-day training workshop for school teachers on Mainstreaming of Disaster Risk Reduction and!-->!-->!-->…
Health Minister Motivates Stella Maris 628 Graduates
By Precious D Freeman The Stella Maris Polytechnic University (SMPU) on Friday, August 25, 2022, conducted its 24th Commencement Convocation, as the Minister of Health, Wilhelmina!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…