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Business & Economy
“Gov’t Never Defaulted On IDA Obligations” -Finance Reacts To WB…
The Ministry of Finance has revealed that Liberia did not default on the settlement of its outstanding obligations to the International Development Association (IDA) as being reported by!-->…
World Bank Speaks To Accountability Fund
The World Bank says it takes very seriously its obligation to ensure that Bank funds are used for clearly defined activities for the benefit of the people and communities it serves.The!-->…
Nat’l Conference On Decent Work For Persons With Disabilities Opens
The Chief of Office Staff to Labor Minister, Stanly Barh, says decent work offers prospects for personal growth and development, as well as encourages social integrations, free speech,!-->…
BFF Advances Recommendations For Local Economy Ownership
The Better Future Foundation, BFF, has embraced the launch of the 5-year National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights, (NAPBHR) 2024-2028, in Liberia.The NAPBHR, launched by the!-->…
Minister Piah Denies Budget Alteration Allegations
By Grace Q. BryantMinister of Information, Culture &Tourism, Jerolinmek Piah, has strongly refuted allegations that the Liberian government's 2024 National Budget was altered after!-->…
Labor Nets In Over US$5M In Gov’t’s Account -Decries Inadequate…
The Ministry of Labor has released its first semi-annual financial reports, revealing the collection of over US$ 5 million as fees for alien work permits and other revenue collection!-->…
Liberia Gets US$5M Grant For LISA PROJECT -As Swedish Gov’t Commits To…
The Ministry of Public Works (MPW) and the government of Sweden have officially signed the Liberian-Swedish Access Driven Rural Development Project (LISA) in Monrovia.Speaking during the!-->…
House Looks Into Appeal To Adopt A Standard Quarterly Budget Performance
The House of Representatives has tasked its Committee on Ways and Means to scrutinize an appeal to adopt a Standard Quarterly Budget Performance Hearings Schedule, which should take effect!-->…
Gov’t Announces Reductions In Some Commodities
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI) has announced a significant reductions in the prices of steel rods, flour and eggs on the Liberian market.These price adjustments, according to!-->…
Africa’s New Country Policy And Institutional Assessment Report Highlights Best…
The annual Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) for Africa confirms that countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) weathered 2023 relatively well thanks to credible economic and!-->…