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Parties To Sign Farmington Declaration Today … As UN Coordinator ‘Preaches…
By Grace Q. BryantPolitical parties are expected to converge in Margibi County today, Tuesday, April 4, 2023 to sign the Farmington Declaration thus committing to peaceful elections and!-->…
Lawrence Korquoi To Contest Senatorial Seat In Nimba
By Solomon T. Gaye, Sr. The Liberia International Christian College former Business Manager, LawrencePayeKorquoi, has vowed to contest for the senatorial seat in Nimba!-->!-->!-->…
Bong Senatorial Aspirant Kpehe cautions Electorates
By Patrick N. Tokpah (Bong Contributor) A businessman turned politician, Jonny K. Kpehe Sr. has cautioned residents of Bong County to disengage from preaching tribal politics and focus!-->!-->!-->…
EFFL Goes To S/Court For Presidential Order #117 Interpretation
By Grace Q. Bryant The Economic Freedom Fighter of Liberia (EFFL) over the weekend filed a lawsuit to the Supreme Court against the government to declare the Executive Order #117!-->!-->!-->…
AFELL Disappointed In Weah’s Decision On Women’s Representation Bill
President George Weah veto or refusal to sign the 30 Percent Women Representation Bill into law seems to have anger female lawyers who have openly expressed their displeasure by saying that!-->…
World Leaders Keen On Strengthening Democracy -As Weah Vows Transparency In Elections
The University of Liberia (UL) and the Nigeria-based International Academy for Gender and Peace (IAGP) have begun two-days West Africa Regional Conference on mainstreaming gender in the!-->…
ECC Concerned About Early Waves Of Electoral Violence
The Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC) says despite some early positive signs, it has observed the trucking of voters from one county or electoral district to another by aspirants!-->…
Samukai Criticizes NEC Voter registration Exercise
Defense former Minister Brownie Jeffery Samukai has criticized the National Elections Commission (NEC) for its alleged failure to carry out properly its public awareness on the creation of!-->…
30 Lawmakers Failed Massively In Representation …As IREDD Releases 2022 Legislative…
By Alex YomahThe Institute for Research and Democratic Development (IREDD has launched its latest Legislative and monitoring performance reports, stating that out of 73 representatives, 30!-->…
Whapoe Gets Nimbaians’ Backing
By Solomon T. GayeNimba County's chiefs, women and youth groupings, partisans, sympathizers, and students last weekend petitioned Dr. Jeremiah Z. Whapoe to contest for the pending 2023!-->…