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Labor Inspection Enforcement Set For 6 Counties
The Ministry of Labor in collaboration with the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), will conduct a Labor Inspection enforcement exercise in six counties.The counties include; Nimba, Grand Cape!-->…
NACSUL Weighs In GTMS, CTN Propaganda
The National Civil Society Union of Liberia (NACSUL) has joined the mixed views on the shutdown of government’s contract with the Container Tracking Network (CTN) through the National Port!-->…
Fula Business Association Concerned About Trade Facilitation
By Laurina B Lormia (Cub-Reporter)The president of the Fula Business Association of Liberia, Mohammed Barry, has raised serious concerns about the state of trade facilitation across the!-->!-->!-->…
Insurance Association Hails Transport -Commits To Digitize Vehicle Insurance
By Precious D. Freeman The Board of Directors of the Liberia Insurance Association (LIA), headed by Ethel Knuckles, has praised the Ministry of Transport, led by Minister Sirleaf Tyler,!-->!-->!-->…
Labour Finds Chinese National With Fake Work Permit
The Ministry of Labour says it has tracked down a Chinese National in possession of a fake Alien Work Permit and turned him over to the Ministry of Justice for prosecution. Mr. Mai!-->!-->!-->…
Business Association Fires Up On Rice Price
The Liberian Business Association (LIBA) takes serious exception regarding any decision to subsidize the price of rice, especially when the increase is influenced by global hike due to!-->…
9 Companies To Invest In Buchanan Port
By B. Linus Flomo(freelancer)The Port of Buchanan Manager, Jonathan Kaipay has disclosed to the public that nine companies are expected to invest in the Port of Buchanan.Speaking to!-->…
‘Halt Termination Of Contractors’ -Labour Mandates BEA Mountain
The Ministry of Labour has mandated the management of Bea Mountain Mining Company in Grand Cape Mount County to immediately reinstate all workers with unexpired contracts and halt the!-->…
Vegetable Sellers Asso. Commission Solar-powered Facilities
The Liberia Vegetable Seller Association (LVSA) celebrated the commissioning of a new solar-powered prefab container and solar freezer storage facilities at the omega market!-->…
Labor Denies Over 60Non-Liberians Work Permits
The Minister of Labor, Cooper Kruah, has denied the issuance and renewal of alien work permits to over 60 illegal migrant workers and imposed fines on several other employment entities!-->…