By Laurina B Lormia (Intern)
Since the Jacob S. Milton bridge, commonly known as Caldwell Bridge, was painted in 2015, dozens of young men and women have given it a face lift for the first time.
Ahead of the country’s inauguration of President-elect, Joseph N. Boakai, and Vice president-elect, Jeremiah K. Koung, dozens of young men and women volunteered to paint the Caldwell bridge and sidewalks in the township of Caldwell.
According to Ernest Nyema, who is the Co-Chairman for Administration and is heading the painting exercise from the Caldwell bridge, he observed that members of the organization have committed themselves to work for their township and country at large.
Nyema said, “This is our own initiative; We are doing this as volunteers to clean the township of Caldwell, because our dynamic President-elect, Joseph N. Boakai, is a clean man, and he would love to see the city clean.”
“No one has donated funds for painting this bridge, we decided to take the initiative with our own money to do this job for the township of Caldwell,” Nyema added.
“Over ten years, this is the first time for the Caldwell bridge to be painted; this job is not for only today, but will be a continuous process. After every three months, we will carry on this project,” he stressed.
One of the volunteer workers, identified as Abraham Varney, said, “As a good citizen, you need to work for your country to give your country a unique face lift; this is not a paid job. We are doing this to make our country beautiful.
We left our busy schedules to do this job for the township of Caldwell and Liberia at large, because it is not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country to keep it clean.”
Lamine Siryon, another volunteer worker, said, “We are doing this job for Amb. Boakai. We as Liberians voted him because we trust him and also know that he can deliver this country, so we are doing every work in favor of his administration.”
He added that they are cleaning up and painting are geared towards beautifying the township of Caldwell, as well as the country at large, so as to keep it attractive for visitors coming for the pending inauguration of President-elect, Joseph N. Boakai.
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