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British Embassy Empowers WONGOSOL For 2023 Elections


As the October 10, 2023 Legislative and Presidential elections draw nearer, the British Embassy in Monrovia, through its supporting Society Election Observation program in Liberia, over the weekend, donated 10 motorcycles (Bajaj Boxer 125 HD) with 10 helmets and emergency toolkits to the Women’s NGO Secretariat of Liberia (WONGOSOL), for use as part of its work to support free, fair, and transparent elections in Liberia.

WONGOSOL was established as an organ for coordinating the activities of women organizations in Liberia in 1998. It coordinates the activities of women’s organizations in Liberia and brings women together to formulate and present their independent views on government issues, directly affecting women of Liberia with several network members in the 15 political sub–divisions of Liberia.

Presenting the items to WONGOSOL at its National Headquarters on 14th Street in Sinkor, the Charge D’ Affaires at the British Embassy in Monrovia, Madam Kate Thomson, said the Embassy was pleased to make the donation to WONGOSOL to enable female election observers to assist female voters living in isolated areas to access their local polling centers.

She said the motorcycles should also be used to allow female observers quickly reach polling centers that report issues of violence against women.

She noted that after the elections, the assets will be used to enable WONGOSOL to access rural areas, in order to deliver ongoing education around women’s rights and participation in local government structure.

According to her, the main principle governing the donation is that they should only be used for official purposes.

She pointed out that the assets shall not be used for private purposes and shall only be used by authorized staff for official service delivery purposes.

She said the donation was made possible by the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office and will not be responsible for maintenance of the motorcycles and WONGOSOL must have adequate resources to maintain and operate the assets, including purchase of any consumable.

Speaking further, she said the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office shall not be held responsible for any or all consequences arising out of the use of the donated items, including any accidental injury, damage, or asset loss etc.

She however stressed that the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office will fund third party insurance cover for the motorcycles for the first year’s operation.

“WONGOSOL must obtain a quotation for the insurance from Mutual Benefit Assurance Company by the close of August 12, 2023, and the Embassy will then pay the insurance company directly and its insurance must be in the name of WONGOSOL.

Receiving the items, the Program Manager of the Women’s NGO Secretariat of Liberia, Madam Willet L. Salue, lauded the British Embassy for the donation of the Motorbikes and promised that the bikes will be used wisely for their intended purpose.

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