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Bomi Residents To Retain Saytumah At Senate


Ahead of the 2023 Legislative and Presidential Elections, elders and several residents of Demen District in Bomi County, have retained faith in their Senator, Morris Saytumah, despite claims that he performed dismally.
Over the weekend, the residents testified their wills by honoring their Senator at a gowning ceremony for what they term as opening major roads in the county and undertaking crucial projects in the county.
The residents in their numbers said that there are various towns in the county that had over several years suffered from deplorable road conditions which impeded their mobility and prevented them from selling their products, but today, with the help of Senator Saytumah, many of the roads are accessible.
According to many of the traditional leaders of the District, it had been more than 30 years since they saw a yellow machine rehabilitating the roads have that are used by thousands of commuters for agriculture, business and many other purposes.
Speaking over the weekend in Folley Town, the senior Paramount Chief Sando Johnson said the district is grateful to see the Senator Saytumah completing a road that had not been accessible for the many years that the county had existed.
However, he said the respect from the people to honor and gown Senator Saytumah is because he is the current lawmaker and cautioning them to do the same to all those that will foster development to Bomi County.
He called on the lawmaker to see the need of responding to issues raised by the residents ahead of the road completion in order to have them trust him more and hope that he will better impact their lives.
The chief encouraged the residents of the county to take ownership of the new road that runs from the main junction of Folley Town to the town itself and other places to have it maintained for a longer period.
Senator Saytumah lauded Demen residents for the honor bestowed on him as a leader and assured them that all mechanisms to have his leadership felt across the county before election are intact.
He expressed gratitude to the people and explained that since his decision to join the political leadership of the county; it was concluded that there had been several gowning programs for but the one recently done in Folley Town remains the most interesting and outstanding event because it was the first ever original gown received.
“I’m very happy for the people of Folley Town for this day; I had been putting on shirts during these kinds of programs and this is my first gown ever,” he added.
According to Senator, Saytumah, his primary objective over the years has been education to have the mind of the new generation being molded to an expected level for the future.
He then cautioned the youths of Bomi County to empower themselves by taking advantage of educational programs; whether academic or vocational to have the county on the map.

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