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Boakai Vows To Institutionalize CPP For 2023 Victory


By Bill W. Cooper
The newly inducted chairperson of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Joseph N. Boakai, has assured Liberians and supporters of an institutionalized collaboration come 2023.
Despite the recent internal wrangling following claims and counterclaims over the alleged alteration of its framework document, Amb. Boakai has vowed to ensure victory for CPP in the pending General and Presidential Elections.
“I want to assure all Liberians, wherever they are in the world that the collaboration will be stronger after the storm, and we will continue to demonstrate its purpose in pursuing the path of providing alternative and responsible leadership for the people of Liberia,” Boakai stated.
“Over the next 8 months of our leadership, the CPP will be institutionalized. We will entrench our feet so deep that victory will be the only option. We will not betray our country. Our people have given us their confidence, we will not disappoint them,” he assured.
However, there has been serious confusion within the CPP over the alleged alteration of its framework document which later intensified when the Unity Party was preparing to take over from the Liberty Party (LP).
The feud witnessed the Chairman and Secretary General of the LP bowing down from the process leading to the transfer of power which is done after every eight months, while one of the constituent parties, the Alternative National Congress (ANC) also boycotted the event after expressing its dissatisfaction over their exclusion from the process.
But delivering his acceptance speech over the weekend at his UP headquarters in Congo Town, Boakai who is also the standard bearer of the former ruling UP cautioned, “We come to remind you all our partisans and all well-meaning Liberians, that what we have all set out to do pleases us all on the threshold of history to cast out the ghost of what is a reckless political, economic and social order that benefits only very few people and has grown increasingly stubborn to change.”
He pointed out, “We have also come to let you know that we are united and determined to move forward together as an alliance, joining with millions of other Liberians across this country and the Diaspora to break the cycle of abject poverty, impunity, illiteracy, disease, social injustice, dictatorship, corruption and other challenges that haunt the present, and most profoundly the future.”
According to former VP Boakai who is also competing to be the face of the CPP comes 2023, they as a collaboration by the help of God Almighty, remains strong, united and unwavering, emphasizing that no fleeting temptation, or distraction will scare them away from their goals, and as such, they are set to win in 2023 and redirect the course of history.
He stressed, “Here, on May 19, 2020, the CPP declared to our fellow citizens and the world that we were unerringly committed and dedicated to a daring cause so achievable and patriotic. Collectively we remain poised to win in 2023 building upon the expectations, hopes and justifiable excitement of the Liberian people that an alternative is possible, and this is why I feel deeply humbled to accept the responsibility bestowed upon me today by the CPP as its Chairperson for the next 8 months.”
The UP standard bearer explained that the past few months have been fraught with difficulties creating anxiety in the public and a sense of impulsion within the CPP, and as such, they recognized the challenges, which have occasioned internal wrangling and a distasteful impression, noting, “However, we implore you not to allow differences and internal wrangling to define the CPP, no matter how contentious they have become. This is because social, economic or political conflicts are events that can be transformed into good.”
He intoned, “We must also see the positives in our differences, as these disagreements and healthy exchanges are the labor pains of the collaboration. Just as a mother experiences discomfort in childbirth but finds joy at the sight of her newborn baby, so also will our differences be transformed into unity and a common purpose in changing our country for the good of all.”
Commenting on the performance of the Weah-led Administration, the CPP chairperson said, “today, our country is confronted by some of the most vexing issues of the post war years, as poor governance and failed leadership; marginalization of the majority of Liberians, inequity, and institutional failure have caused low public trust in the government and its institutions. Much of the progress made in the recent past including the execution of a reformed agenda has eroded. The economy is not healthy and not performing for the people as it should be. Productivity is at an all-time low and cost of living high; with price of food and other basic commodities going up, causing most Liberians to fall into poverty.”
According to him, majority of Liberians, especially the youths, are unemployed, exposed to drugs, make no income and live in poor and unacceptable conditions as well as poor fiscal decisions including consistent off-budget spending on nonproductive and vanity projects are causing strains and decline in significant areas such as education and health, indicating that as much as the country is endowed with natural resources, its citizens including many in communities hosting concessions are hardly benefiting, causing unwarranted tensions and hanging on the precipice of communal conflicts and insecurity.
He intoned, “The security situation is dire and rapidly deteriorating. Many of our citizens and residents live in constant fear, particularly, as a result of the unresolved spate of violence and killings in the past two years. This has unraveled the state of the current security apparatus, revealing the bare threats of a security sector largely aimed at protecting only public officials and leaving millions of citizens and residents to their own devices. All these problems are undergided by public corruption, the scale of which is yet to be confronted by government in ways that hold public officials to account.”
“We must liberate our people from the bondage of failed leadership: A winning soccer icon whose Presidency sees our pitch banned by FIFA and our team as an underdog. The one success that brought you to prominence has become a national failure under your leadership. Missing persons, missing parts, armed robbery and general insecurity are now the Liberian Character. This must change and we must concentrate on a vision that will take Liberians from this bondage to new heights of progress,” he intimated.
It is often said: “Don’t give boys men’s job to do”. Leave an entertainer to entertain for “while Rome burns the Boy King entertains his guests with a musical harp”. While Liberia burns, the Boy King encourages the building of statutes and monuments in his name while he is alive and demands that his followers worship him and exudes an unrealistic lifestyle while poverty consumes our people in the ‘dirtiest city in Africa.’ Malnutrition rages while he plays music and dance to musical cheers,” Boakai asserted.
“Liberia burns and people die but he entertains his guests at lavished undertakings while illiteracy and drugs maim our children. He builds lavishing and luxurious homes in 1 year while his entire party takes the life time of his regime to finish a vocational training center on its party premises. A change betrayed! But we, in the CPP, understand the plight of the people of Liberia whether they are in Monrovia, Saclepea, Tuzon, Sasstown and every village and hamlet in this country and this is why we have come together to effect a positive change,” the CPP chairperson stated.

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