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Bethel World Outreach Ministries Still Alive In Liberia …Founding Father Encourages Bethelites


The Founding father of the Bethel Full Gospel Church based in Minnesota, USA Apostle Natt Friday, says Bethel is still alive and active in Liberia.
Amidst the internal wrangling over the change in the name of the church from the Bethel World Outreach Ministries International to Harvest Intercontinental Minstries Unlimited, Apostle Friday cautioned, “Let it be known that Bethel is alive and winning more souls for the Lord.”
With this pronouncement from Apostle Friday, the story seems to be taking a different turn following months of confusion since the church’s leadership headed by Bishop Darlingston Johnson mandated a change of name from Bethel to Harvest.
Apostle Friday, released a letter to all Bethel Churches in Liberia and beyond commending them for their courage and bravery in the Lord’s vineyard and encouraged them to continuously be steadfast and movable always abounding in the work of the Lord.
“Bethel has made enormous impact on the spiritual wellbeing of Liberians and this we endeavor to continue,” he stated.

See full text below

Apostle Natt Friday’s Letter To The Church

I greet you all in the name of our Lord and soon coming King, Jesus Christ. I want to be grateful to the Lord today for the privilege to address some questions from our fellow ministers concerning Bethel Churches in Liberia.

Bethel Full Gospel Church was founded and incorporated in Liberia in 1986. This Ministry which was found on March 17, 1986 has been in existence in Liberia for the past 34 years.
There are churches that have expressed their desire to keep the name Bethel and this is a welcome idea.

Bishop Darlingston Johnson

Based on the desires of these churches, I Apostle Natt Friday Founding Father of Bethel Full Gospel Church, do hereby empower those churches to operate under the 1986 Article of Incorporation under which Bethel rolled out its ministries and operated these 35 years of its existence in Liberia and beyond.

We have certainly come a long way by the Grace of the Almighty God. We want to thank God for those of you who have fought the good fight of faith and are endeavoring to finish the course.

I salute you and I boast of your courage and bravery in the Lord’s vineyard. I charge and encourage you to continuously be steadfast and movable always abounding in the work of the Lord. Fight the good fight of faith and finish the course. There are rewards and honors that are waiting for you.

Let it be known that Bethel is alive and winning more souls for the Lord. I am the Founding Father of Bethel Churches and I am currently pasturing a Bethel Church in Minnesota.
We are aware that there are churches in Liberia who have decided to remain Bethel in continuation of the work we started in Liberia in 1986. Our activity in Liberia is very much alive. The Rev. Dr. John Marley is heading our work in Liberia and he has been mandated to execute all activities in Liberia on our behalf.

As the Founding Father of Bethel 35 years ago, I am pleased to tell you that Bethel is still alive and active in Liberia.

Bethel has provided covering and leadership over the years and we are still committed to that and coming together as a fellowship of churches.

We welcome those of you who still have confidence in our leadership and pray that together we will advance the Kingdom of God. Indeed, the Church is marching and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it.

Bethel has made enormous impact on the spiritual wellbeing of Liberians and this we endeavor to continue. We are more than ever prepared to advance God’s Kingdom on Earth. Together we can win the world for Christ.
Yours in His Service,
Apostle Natt Friday

Apostle Natt Friday of Minnesota , USA,

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