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Auditor General Celebrates Key Public Financial Management Reforms


By Linus Flomo
Auditor General Garswa Jackson, announced a significant achievement in the country’s Public Financial Management (PFM) reform efforts with the publication of the audited Fiscal Year 2023 Consolidated Fund Financial Statements.
This marks the second consecutive year that the financial statements have been audited, aligning with the mandates of the Public Financial Management Act.
The audit, which had not been conducted for two years prior to Jackson’s leadership, represents a crucial step forward in addressing one of the major deficits highlighted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, when Jackson assumed office in July 2021.
To resolve the backlog, the Auditor General’s office worked closely with the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) to ensure the timely submission of unaudited Consolidated Fund Financial Statements.
Jackson noted that, for the past two fiscal years, the MFDP has adhered to the April 30 deadline for submission, as stipulated by the PFM Act.
“These are collective gains worth celebrating,” Jackson stated, expressing gratitude to both former and current MFDP officials, development partners, and the dedicated team at the General Auditing Commission (GAC).
He added that these efforts are expected to improve Liberia’s Public Expenditures and Financial Accountability (PEFA) ratings and should serve as motivation to address other unresolved issues within the PFM system.
In addition to the audited financial statements, Jackson announced the publication of the Auditor General’s first Status Report on the Implementation of Audit Recommendations across various audited entities.
The newly formed Audit Follow-up Unit has been instrumental in supporting government ministries, agencies, and commissions in expediting the implementation of audit recommendations, thereby enhancing systems, controls, and processes.
The efforts of the Audit Follow-up Unit were recently showcased in an online webinar attended by over 185 participants, including representatives from Auditor Generals’ offices across Africa and other partners.
The webinar highlighted the formation and operationalization of the unit, which has been met with enthusiasm.
Jackson also mentioned the ongoing systems’ reviews at the House of Senate, the Judiciary, and the Ministry of State.
These reviews are expected to lay the groundwork for strengthening controls and processes in these entities thereby paving the way for full-scale audits in the future.

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