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“Audit Outgoing Gov’t” -IREDD Calls


By Alex Yomah
The Institute for Research and Democratic Development (IREDD) has congratulated the President-elect, Joseph Nyuma Boakai, and Vice president, Jeremiah Koung’s newly elected administration, to audit the soon-to-be past administration, stating that an audit of the Weah-led government is needed, for accountability.
IREDD, a long-standing policy research and governance advocacy Civil Society Organization championing the voice of ordinary citizens of Liberia, first applauded the strong political will of outgoing President, George Weah, for yielding to the will of the Liberian people, having made their stance clear at the ballot on November 14.
The institute, at a press conference, through its Executive Director, Matheias Yeanay, thanked Liberians for yet again making history by conducting peaceful elections. “We maintained the peace during the electoral processes. Though there were incidents In Montserrado, Nimba, Grand Gedeh, and Bomi Counties, they did not significantly affect the elections,” Yeanay said.
According to him, the Liberian people have raised the bar and standards as relates conducting democratic governance in Africa. However, they called on the President-elect to conduct a comprehensive audit on the Weah Administration, as a means of fostering accountability among public officials.
“In view of this IREDD equally calls on Boakai and Koung and the Unity Party alliance to conduct a comprehensive audit of the outgoing administration, making sure that they be prosecuted if there be any wrong doing,” Yeanay added.

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