At LOIC In Bong County:
Varney Taylor Foundation Gives
40 Students Full Scholarship
By Bill W. Cooper
A Non-Governmental Organization, the Varney Taylor Foundation, has awarded a full scholarship to 40 students of the Liberia Opportunities Industrialization Center (LOIC) in Gbarnga, Bong County.
The scholarship which among other things will cover the entire tuition of the 40 students attending the institutions is intended to help empower youths of county through technical and vocational studies.
This latest gestures including the donation of several coronavirus preventive materials in the tune of US$1,000 to the only referral hospital in River Cess County, now add to the humanitarian gestures being carryout by the Varney Taylor Foundations in Liberia.
Presenting the check of LD210,000 which is 50 percent of the total tuition to be paid to the institution over the weekend in Bong County, the organization’s Scholarship Coordinator, Duada B. Kamara stated that the scholarship awarded the 40 students was their Organization’s own way supporting and empowering Liberian youths through educational vocational training.
Mr. Duada explained that taking into consideration that the country’s population is predominately youths, they saw the need to ensure that Liberian youth are empowered, educated intended to help through the rebuilding process of the country.
According to him, as means to ensure transparency and fairness, his organization along with the LOIC did the recruitment process since seven months ago in getting the 40 students, indicating that the LD210,000 is half of the total LD420,000 that is to be pay for the entire circle.
He added, “We belied with this money, our children can acquire the needed and necessary skills so to contribute to the growth of their own country because we see that most of risk involved through activities in this country is from the youths.”
Meanwhile, Mr. Duada has also disclosed plans by the organization to decentralize the program in other counties ranging from Nimba, Lofa, Margibi River Cess, Montserrado and Grand Bassa Counties.
Receiving the check, the LOIC Program Manager, Pst. Peter N. Toomann lauded the organization and team for living up to its obligation, noting that the check was timely amidst the institution indebtedness to its instructional staff.
He however called on other scholarships program head to emulate the example of the Varney Taylor Foundation and ensure that they settle their obligation with the institution to be able to address their challenges.
The Varney Taylor Foundation is an American based organization that was birthed in Liberia in 2017, with the sole purpose of reaching out to the unreachable across Liberia.