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Armah And Lydia Foundation Conducts Free Christmas Donations


The Liberian-American based charity and humanitarian organization, Armah and Lydia Foundation has completed the third in a series of its 2022 Annual free food and assorted items distributions to orphan homes and Persons Living with Disabilities in Montserrado County, valued at nearly US$10, 000.

Funds for the 2022 charity distributions were made passible from the Master Cleaning and Consultancy based in the United States of America and taken to three organizations, the Koubay Disabled Foundation, Liberian Christian Youth Mission both based in Careysburg District and the Mother Victoria Thomas Orphanage home in Matadi Community in Monrovia.

Speaking at one of the distribution centers, the Chief Executive Officer of the Arman and Lydia Foundation, Armah Lansanah paid tribute to many friends in and outside of the United States including Dr. Quiutou de’ Alexander of the group, We Dream in Colors, for their gestures that help to put smiles on the faces of less fortunate Liberian children.

Mr. Armah said, it was important for all Liberians to remember that when others make sacrifices for you to succeed in this world, it is only right that you come back and give back mainly to children whose parents cannot afford because they were never given the same opportunity.

Mr. Armah promised never to stop making these annual free distributions as long as God continues to provide to his charity group through helps from other people of similar ideas. Another charity group, Liberian-based women organization, Youth Educational Organization also formed part of the 2022 Christmas free donation in Liberia.

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