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Amb. Umutoni Commits UN To Liberia’s Development

By Stephen N. Tokpah
-Bong (freelance)
The United Nations’ resident Coordinator to Liberia, Christine Umutoni, has acknowledged the role of the Liberian Government in ensuring that the voices of people living with disabilities are heard in national development discourses.
This, she said signifies, on the part of the Boakai’s administration, a hallmark of inclusiveness and at the same time soliciting actual views from the community of great importance.
The UN Resident Coordinator recognized the work and commitment of the government of President Joseph Boakai for ensuring that every citizen’s voice is heard in the crafting of the National agenda, thereby promoting unity and national ownership.
Madam Umutoni,has at the same time urged Liberians to take the development process of Liberia seriously and do the little they can in their own ways to ensure that Liberia is developed.
She emphasized the importance of the inclusion of the ‘Community of the disabled’ at all levels with the collective efforts of the government, citizens, development partners, and everyone and not just the function of one individual or institution.
She highlighted the need to integrate the voices of those living with disability at all stages of planning and decision making, from start to finish and not as an additional activity.
She charged participants, including PWDs themselves, with the responsibility of ensuring that their inclusion is prioritized at all levels especially, in decision making and development processes.
Similarly, she encouraged government officials, development partners, ordinary Liberians, and everyone to consider disability inclusion in their activities either at policy level or program and operational levels that will ensure no one is left behind.
She reiterated the importance of anchoring the national development plans on international commitments and most importantly on accelerating the achievement of the SDGs in Liberia, adding, “Change will only be evident at the decentralized level, therefore the county contributions to the national development plan are important.”
Madam Christine Umutoni, reaffirmed the UN’s commitment and provision of technical and financial support for the government’s agenda – the vision 2030 and the ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development (AAID), adhering to the principles of effective development cooperation-making aid effective, strengthening ownership, deepening mutual accountability and ensuring the sustainability of development for people living with disability in Liberia.
She made the statement in Gbarnga, Bong County, on September 19, 2024, at the Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, ongoing two-days National Consultation for the people living with disability for the development of the ARREST agenda for Inclusive Development with support from the United Nations joint SDG fund.

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