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All Schools Remain Closed Until Further Notice


In an effort to coordinate and collaborate for the safety of our students, teachers and parents, all schools should remain closed until further notice from the Ministry of Health and the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL). The Ministry’s previous announcement of March 31, 2020 is subject to the pronouncement from the MOH and NPHIL. The MOH and NPHIL are the lead decision makers in this time of uncertainty.
Meanwhile, the re-opening of schools will be predicated upon the declaration and advice from NPHIL and the Ministry of Health.
As of this date, all schools should remain closed until otherwise. All students, parents and guardians as well as all Education Stakeholders are to observe all preventive measures and protocols from NPHIL and the Ministry of Health.
In the meantime, the Ministry in collaboration with Partners has officially launched the emergency program entitled “Teaching By Radio” which will run for 6 weeks initially to engage students and parents to learn at home while they are observing the preventive measures and protocols of COVID-19.
This Program will be broadcast on various national radio stations in Montserrado County and community radio stations throughout the country.
NOTE: Your well-being is the major concern of the Ministry and your safety is our national responsibility as a responsible Government.

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