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ALJA Prepares For Annual Convention


The Associations of Liberian Journalists in the Americas (ALJA) is pleased to announce that its Annual 2021 National Convention will be held in-person in Trenton, New Jersey from Thursday the September 23-26, 2021.
This decision was made by the organization’s membership in view of the increased number of people getting the Covid-19 vaccinations, including many ALJA members, and the gradual relaxation of restrictions across the United States.
While planning for an in-person convention, the planning committee said it will continue to monitor the trend of the virus as well as local, state, and federal Covid-19 regulations and make adjustments as necessary.
ALJA’s Annual National Convention is the biggest gathering in the diaspora of eminent personalities and journalists.
While the coronavirus presents unique challenges when planning for an in-person convention, the committee said it is also working to ensure that participants enjoy the full ALJA convention experience.
Meanwhile, international journalists desirous of attending this year’s convention are asked to contact the National Secretary-General, Mrs. Akai Awuletey Gladdin or Mr. Charles Crawford, ALJA Special Representative in Liberia.
Mr. Crawford, is Executive Director of the Center for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding (CECPAP) and can be reached at CECPAP’s office located in the YWCA Building in Oldest Congo Town.

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