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ALICOR Awards Community Radio Journalists At World Radio Day


The Association of Liberia Community Radios (ALICOR) recently hosted its first community radio annual award ceremony to honor the outstanding works of journalists in the 15 counties. The award ceremony was part of activities in the celebration of World Radio Day.
According to the head of the Award Ccommittee, Madam Torwon Sulonteh Brown, a “Call for Entries” was launched by ALICOR, and a total of 14 entries were received and a committee comprising of the Liberia Broadcasting System, the Female Journalists Association (FeJAL), ALICOR and Internews was set up to evaluate the applications based on the criteria in the Call For Entries.
According to her, the key criteria was-Accuracy, sourcing, balance, accountability, courage, originality, storytelling, and impact.
“The Committee received 14 entries in 4 of the 5 categories from 9 journalists based in Margibi, Bong, Gbarpolu, Grand Cape Mount, Lofa and Maryland Counties.”
She added that for the category of Gender & Human Rights- 4 entries were received; for the category of Health- 4 entries for the category of Agriculture- 5 entries for Environment-1 entry and for Land Rights-0 entry.
“We want to say thanks to the following journalists who took up their time to respond to the call. As we all know, in every competition, there must be winners. The committee evaluated all the entries and here are the results,” she kept the audience in a rather psychological suspense.
Finally, she broke the ice that five Community Radio Journalists walked away with a Tekno Camon 18 Smart Phone each and a cash prize in envelopes.
Presenting the wards to the Henry Gboluma of Voice of Gbarpolu in Gbarpolu County who reported on lack of access to health facilities in a hard-to-reach area in Kungba District won the HEALTH AWARD. His report highlights the challenges faced by residents in seeking healthcare causing them to go as far as neighboring Sierra Leone. According to the organizers, his report was well researched, had diversity of sources and impactful.
Nukanah Kollie of Super Bongese in Bong County who won GENDER AWARD focused his reports on a SGBV case involving a male child in Gbarnga. “His story was well researched and covered the justice system, health, stigma, safe home, advocacy, and efforts from the government to fight SGBV,” the organizers.
Winning the HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD, Joseph Titus Yekeryan of Radio Gbarnga in Bong County focused his story on the voices of survivors and families of those involved in the Kpolo kpala Massacre, and also highlighted the people’s call for the War Crimes Court to hold perpetrators accountable.
“I want to say that I am very grateful to ALICOR and partner and hope this should not be the end,” stated Yekeryan
The lone applicant and winner of the ENVIRONMENTAL AWARD Jenneh Kemokai’s report highlighted citizens’ concerns about the chemical pollutions in that district that affected 12 other communities in both Garwula and Tawor Districts in Grand Cape Mount County.
Her reports triggered the National Government, County authorities, and Civil Society actors to take serious action against the company. “I am excited for this award and all that I can say is that I ask for more training so that I can be able to report more on issues. We appreciate the partners for investing in us and the work we do,” Jenneh expressed.
As for Enouch Dormue of Super Bongese in Bong County, winning the AGRICULTURE AWARD was a great deal for him. According to him, this was his very first time in a competition with other journalists. Enouch’s report focused on the Kpaai District Youth Association Agriculture site in Bong County.
He painted a picture of the benefits of agriculture and the challenges faced by farmers; so he identified the problems and provided solutions through the sources he spoke to, which added creativity to the report.
The World Radio Day celebration brought together over hundred community radio journalists, managers, board members, and other media stakeholders including INTERNEWS, Media Activity Partners, the Ministry of information, the Liberia Telecommunication Authority LTA, ECOWAS, the Independent Information Commission as well as the Law Reform Commission.
The program was organized by the Association of Liberia Community Radios (ALICOR) with funding from USAID Media Activity and SIDA Radio Content Syndication Project, through Internews. By Kla-de Scott.

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