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Alert Women Ministry Holds 4-Day Confab


By Grace Q. Bryant
The Alert Women Ministry is conducting a four-day clothed in strength women conference 2023 titled, “I am coming out no matter what.”
The conference being held at the Chapel of Praise Ministries in the Rehab Community, Jacob Town draws its texts from Esther 7:1-7.
The conference which runs from November 22-25 is graced by pastors’ wives, guest ministers, and young Christian women from across the country, holds morning and evening session while on tomorrow evening there will be a session titled’ ‘when women worship to be climaxed on Saturday with an official launch beginning with a parade.
Giving the overview of the conference, the founder of the Alert Ministry, Rev. Mabel H. Buckett said the Alert Women Ministry is involved with pastors’ wives, women in ministry, and female youth and young adults.
“The Ministry empowers these all-important personalities to build a community of contagious women who will impact this nation and beyond,” she revealed.
According to her, the purpose of the Ministry is to encourage pastors’ wives to utilize their gift as help-meet to the pastor.
“Our vision is to support, encourage, and empower women, irrespective of their denominations. We are determined to adequately prepare young women to be better citizens,” she explained.
She further explained that Alert was established in October 10, 2022 by God, through Rev. Mabel H. Buckett and her husband, who is the brain behind the ministry.
“We work hard by the Grace of God to enlighten the minds of our girls to follow the right path of life, make the right decision in choosing their careers of life, and make the right decision in finding a lifetime partner,” she noted.
She continued that the self-esteem for girls remains low and weak, leaving some of them vulnerable, “Therefore, this program teaches about the real beauty of a young woman, it teaches about the young lady’s values. It is our prayer that you will experience God in a whole new way, and may He cause you to come out of everything that is not the will of God for your life,” she encouraged.
For the part of Pastor Ruth Dunbar, who presented on the topic: “To release the inner strength of a woman”, she said, “You don’t know the power of a woman but you push her to the wall. Woman is not made for kitchen, there is an inner strength in you and it is your responsibility to bring it out,” Pastor Dunbar noted.
She said, “Every woman is permitted to marry, but not every woman can marry a pastor, you don’t need to go to school before God uses you,” she said.
According to Bishop Davidetta G. Tarnue, who spoke on the topic: “The power of a good woman is not in her own strength”, she encouraged them to be faithful and committed and consistent in praying regularly and on time.
“A woman of God is sensitive, joyful, and with a great heart, and she finds peace with the relationship with God,” Tarnue said.
Min. Tracy Baxter Autridge spoke on the topic: “Surviving the storm of Life”, noting that the call of God is coming into different storms.

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