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AFL Officer Faces Justice For Manslaughter


By Grace Q. Bryant
An officer of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) identified as Nyanford W.T Benson and others has been sent to the Monrovia Central Prison for allegedly killing Johnson Tokpah in Gobachu market.
Defendant Benson and others were arrested, acquired with his constitutional rights, investigated and charged with the crime of Manslaughter which is in violation of chapter 14, section 14.2 of the revised penal Law of Liberia.
According to police charge sheet, on August 16, 2021 victim Johnson Tokpah was taken from an entertainment center in the Gobachu market community and beaten.
The charge sheet said that after victim Tokpah was been beaten outside of the entertainment center by suspects Nyanford Benson, Michael Benson and Diamond to be identified, they all field from the scene and went into hiding.
It noted that, after they field, community members organized themselves and took the victim to Medicare community based clinic with in the Gobachu market community for treatment.
Police charge sheet revealed that, on the 17th of August 2021, victim Tokpah was treated at the Medicare clinic and was didchadis, went home to continue the following day.
“While victim Tokpah was returning back to the clinic for further treatment, he collapsed and fell on the ground and went unconscious” the charge sheet said.
It established that the victim unresponsive state was examined by a fifteen-man coroner jury supervised by the county coroner of Montserrado and pronounced him dead and his body was deposited at the Alfred Butler Funeral home for preservation.
Police investigation revealed that defendant Benson denied all allegations levied against him.
Police charge sheet concluded that both suspects Michael Benson and Diamond who were accomplices to the crime are still on the run.

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