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AFELL Wants Boakai Include Women Issues In Nat’l Agenda


By Grace Q. Bryant

The Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia says it is concerned that the recent 100 days deliverables made by the President-elect Joseph Boakai did not include women and children or girls.

Speaking in Nimba over the weekend at the Liberia National Bar Association (LNBA) convention, Atty. Philomena T. Williams said, “We are concerned about issues of relevance to our advocacy. We listened to the President-elect’s interview prior to elections on his 100 days deliverables in office. Unfortunately, we did not hear anything on advancing gender equality and protecting the rights of women and children.”

She then reminded Boakai to highlight and champion the causes of women in his first 100 days in office as President and as well foster good governance and uphold the rule of law.

According to her, AFELL shall continue her advocacy to eradicate all forms of violence and speak up against issues that affect women and children without fear or favor, and to maintain the peace.

However, she notified the Bar that AFELL is currently engaged with a case but was constrained to defend her integrity after defense lawyers demonstrated unprofessionalism by unscrupulously preparing a questionable settlement agreement intended to obstruct justice.

“This is a clear violation of Part 1 of the Code of Moral and professional Ethics, which states that” It shall be unprofessional for any lawyer to advise, initiate, or otherwise participate directly or indirectly in any act that tends to undermine or impugn the authority, dignity, integrity of the courts or judges, thereby hindering the effective administration of justice,” she expressed.

Atty Williams noted that AFELL seeks justice for survivors of violence and abuse and shall not be deterred by any unwarranted distraction. “We are strengthened in our advocacy to champion the cause of women and children in Liberia,” she added.

She revealed that AFELL was certificated by the United Nations, under the signature of Christine Umutoni, United Nations Resident Coordinator to Liberia, for their outstanding contributions to the fight against Gender Based Violence and dedication to the cause of women human rights defenders in Liberia.

Meanwhile, AFELL also hailed the President, George Manneh Weah, for gracefully conceding defeat and accepting the results even before the final announcement by the National Elections Commission (NEC), following the runoff presidential elections.

“His action was timely and in adherence to the rule of law. He yielded, stating that “the Liberian people have spoken and we have heard their voices”. Then he prayed “urging Liberians to work together to find common ground”. His action was patriotic, historic, and geared at promoting and maintaining peace in adherence to the rule of law,” she expressed.

“We are optimistic by God’s grace that Liberia will remain peaceful and stable. According, we applaud the people of Liberia for peaceful National Presidential and Legislative Elections,” she said, adding, “We are thankful to the Bar for the Continual Legal Education program (CLE). More than a requirement to be licensed, it is a necessary and important training to maintain competence, professionalism, protection of client’s interest, and to provide the highest quality of legal practice.”

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