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Activa Insurance Gives US$105,000 Package For Healthcare Workers

Bill W. Cooper

The Activa International Insurance Company, Liberia Limited (AIIL) on Tuesday, May 5, presented an innovative life insurance policy package for healthcare workers providing services at the 14th Military Hospital in Margibi County.The policy life insurance package has a combined sum insured of US$105,000 and it is expected to cover 115 medical and allied employees at the hospital against natural and accidental deaths, including deaths emanating from the COVID-19 pandemic; as the protection will directly impact the lives of the families of the several healthcare workers who might fall prey to the virus.
Presenting the insurance policy package document to authorities of the Ministry of Health, Activa Managing Director/CEO, Saye D. Gbalazeh, said the provision of the insurance package is a apart of the charity arm of the Activa Group Foundation that has a tradition of allocating funds for corporate social initiatives.
According to him, the fund underpins their company’s philosophy of a loyal and purpose-driven corporate citizenship imbued with the culture of giving back to the community in which it operates.
CEO Gbalazeh noted that in view of the pandemic, the package from Activa is the first of such corporate initiative and represents a new Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program proposition of acting out of the ordinary, stressing that if the number of healthcare workers increased within the six months period, the insurance package will also be added.
Recounting Activa’s achievements, Mr. Gbalazeh added, “During the Ebola battle, Activa made a significant contribution of over US$35,000 to widows and survivors of Ebola geared towards reestablishing their independence and social acceptance through the establishment of cooperatives, skills training and the conduct of psycho-social programs.”
“Activa also funded a sexual and reproductive health program that catered to vulnerable young in Grand Cape Mont County in Western Liberia,” he explained.
CEO Gbalazeh then lauded the government and nurses who he said are the front liners in the fight against the virus and the entire citizenry for their tireless eforts in ensuring that the country defeats the pandemic.
Activa International Insurance Liberia Ltd is a license composite company that has been working in Liberia for over six years, providing quality insurance packages for Blue Chip Companies, Multinationals, Small/Medium Enterprises, Non-Profit Organizations (NGOs), Liberian Institutions and Personal lines insurance in the private and public sectors.
Receiving the package, Health Minister, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah lauded the management and staffs of Activa for the package promising that she will ensure that every healthcare worker at the hospital gets his/her just benefit just in case of any tragedy.
She further clarified that the package is not intended for every healthcare workers across the country but for those who are at the 14th Military Hospital rendering treatment on COVID-19 patients, adding that if addition is done, said individuals will definitely be added as per Activa’s promised.

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