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Acknowledgment For The Home-going
Of Attorney Philip N. Wesseh


The Board and Management of The Inquirer Newspaper, in concert with the family of the late Attorney Philip N. Wesseh, long-serving Managing Editor, would like to acknowledge the many expressions of sympathy and gestures of kindness shown to the family following his sad demise.

A special word of thanks to President George M. Weah, who generously supported the family financially for the funeral, We commend the Trinity United Methodist Church in the Borough of New Kru Town, Monrovia, where Attorney Wesseh was a lifelong and very active member, for the emotionally deep service of hymns and tributes in celebration of the life he lived. We also commend the St. Moses Funeral Home for its professionalism and for a job well done and well as his friends, Edwin Sarvice, Dewitt VonBallmoos, Queen Julie Endee and Deputy Speaker J. Fonati Koffa.

Liberian journalists, through the Press Union of Liberia (PUL), demonstrated togetherness through the process of grief for the loss of this iconic journalist, for which commendation is in order. We also thank Attorney Samuel Kofi Woods, who worked closely with the bereaved family and The Inquirer team to ensure proper coordination for the funeral activities.

As we reflect on the demise of Attorney Wesseh, which is an enormous loss to the journalism profession and Liberia as a whole, the Board and Management of The institution reaffirms our commitment to forge ahead as an entity to ensure that The Inquirer continues to aspire to the highest standards of journalism as exemplified by our late Managing Editor.

J. Grody Dorbor,
Acting Secretary
Board of Shareholders

Gabriel I.H. Williams,
Chair of the Board

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