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Access To Food For Poor, Food Insecure Households Insight In Liberia


The World Bank has approved an Additional Financing of $20 million concessional International Development Association (IDA) credit to enhance access to food for poor and food insecure households in Liberia, and improve efficiency in managing social protection programs.

This additional financing will be channeled through the existing Recovery of Economic Activity for Liberian Informal Sector Employment (REALISE) Project and comes from the Crisis Response Window – Early Response Financing-CRW-ERF of IDA.

The financing helps address food insecurity in Liberia from the demand side through the provision of cash transfers to poor and food insecure households so that they can be able to afford food on the market.

The financing will contribute to improving livelihood opportunities and climate resilience through communal farming, labor subsidies, and trainings on sustainable agricultural practices and life skills.

In supporting poor and food insecure households, the cash transfer and communal farming programs will ensure that households headed by single women, the elderly, pregnant women, women with infants, and persons with disabilities are considered during the beneficiary selection process.

“This additional financing will be critical to supporting the Government’s efforts to cushion poor and vulnerable households in Liberia from the impact of recent increases in the cost of food due to global shocks,” said Khwima Nthara, World Bank Country Manager for Liberia.

This financing will contribute to two major priorities in the Quick Action Food Security Response Plan developed by the Government of Liberia.

These are protecting vulnerable people from food shortages and negative food security and nutrition impacts, and laying the foundation for medium to long-term investment to boost agriculture productivity.

Liberia has recently developed significant capacity to implement social safety net programs and this will ensure a rapid roll-out of the additional financing.

“During implementation, proven methods of beneficiary selection will be used to ensure that the poorest and most vulnerable households are targeted and that benefits are delivered in a timely and efficient manner,” said Mack Capehart Mulbah and Steisianasari Mileiva, Co-Task Team Leaders for the project.

The International Development Association (IDA) is the World Bank’s fund for the poorest, established in 1960 to provide grants and low to zero-interest loans for projects and programs that boost economic growth, reduce poverty, and improve poor people’s lives.

IDA is one of the largest sources of assistance for the world’s 76 poorest countries, 39 of which are in Africa. IDA resources help effect positive change in the lives of the 1.6 billion people living in the countries that are eligible for its assistance.

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