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Access Bank Opens Branch In Nimba


By Solomon T. Gaye
According to reports, Access bank has opened a branch in the commercial city of Ganta, Nimba County.
Residents, especially business people, have expressed excitement at the new development, calling it a welcome news for the marketers in Nimba.
According to reports, the bank is already fully operational, offering loans to small business holders, petty traders, marketers, and others in the county.
Liberia Marketers Association (LMA) Superintendent, Tennie Yohn, echoed residents’ excitement, thanking the management of the bank for opening a branch in Ganta and calling on other banks to follow suit.
“Ganta is a fast-growing city, and my market women want loans or banks that will offer loans and follow the good example of Access bank,” Yohn asserted.
Speaking on behalf of the local county authority, Bain -Garr Commissioner, Amos Gbatu, commended the development, adding that the loans given to traders will help in the development and reconstruction of the county.
When this Paper contacted the branch manager, Sarah Bleh Quaqua, she confirmed the full operation of the bank and giving out of loans to small business holders, petty traders, and others.

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