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About 91 AFL Personnel Trained In Peace Support Operations


About 91 soldiers from units across the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) have received training in United Nations Peace Support Operations Specialist Skills which took place from March 4-29 at Camp Sandee Ware.
The Office of the United Kingdom Short Term Training Team from the British Armed Forces, provided the short-term training to those some personnel of Liberia’s army as part of the capacity building of its personnel.
The training was a 4-week intensive training captured modules in IED Threats and Recovery, Infantry Skills, Tactics and Team Medical Training for AFL’s personnel in United Nations Peace Support Operations.
The AFL Chief of Staff, Brig. Gen. Davidson F. Forleh, hailed the collaboration between the British and Liberian Governments and thanked the British Ambassador, Neil Bradley, for the training provided to the AFL at the close of the training.
The Chief of Staff said he was also honored to be at the first graduation exercise under his leadership, and asked the graduates to take seriously what they have learned because the skills will be needed now and in future United Nations Missions.
Stressing the logistical constraints faced by the AFL, the Chief of Staff however assured the graduates that there will be more trainings and he will lobby and negotiate with counterparts for more training opportunities.
He said there are lots of internal security issues facing West Africa, and as such, AFL personnel must be prepared to handle them when called upon.
The Chief of Staff emphasized the formation of a robust Quick Reaction Force, which will be on a stand-by with the ability to respond and take siege of internal security matters such as demonstrations, raids, rioting, road blocks, crowd dispersals, etc.
At the graduation ceremony, the British Ambassador, Neil Bradley, said the training was very important for the AFL and he wished to do more to assist in training and helping the AFL in other areas.

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