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Senate Clarifies ‘Legislative Engagement’ Package …Warns Cummings Against Sowing Bad Seed

The Liberian Senate has clarified that the US$15,000 received recently is from an allotment under Legislative Engagement Line of the 2020/2021 National Budget and does not go into the pockets of any member of the Legislature.
The Senate is taken aback by the display of self-glorification by the political leader of the opposition Alternative National Congress, who is intentionally bringing the Legislature to public disrepute by his recent statement on the Legislative Engagement Fund said the money is geared towards the support to lawmakers initiatives in their various counties.
In a release issued yesterday, the Senate further indicates that lawmakers come from every district in every county in this country therefore; both members of the House of Representatives and the Liberian Senate represent every single citizen in every part of Liberia and with the leadership structure in their respective counties, the money is decided upon and invested as deemed necessary by the Senator and his county leadership.
“Over the years, the Central Government has been overwhelmed by major developmental projects focusing more on building of roads, agriculture and other infrastructure while at the same time boosting healthcare which has continued to do a tremendous job in curtailing the spread of the coronavirus; a pandemic that world has been battling for over a year,” the release continues.
The Senate at the same time clarified that no government has the financial and human capital to reach out and support the needs of every district and county in this country adding, “While our people in these deprived areas continue to suffer untold suffering and hardship, they look up to their Senators and Representatives for the provision of schools, clinics, market, roads, and even direct personal support. Lawmakers have over the years, without hesitation, tried to meet these needs at their own expense.”
The Liberian Senate deems Mr. Alexander Cummings’ recent criticism of the Senate and the Legislature as a whole as an attempt to put the people of Liberia against their lawmakers for his own political gains noting, “This kind of harmful politicking would only continue to leave our country in shambles. It must be condemned by all well-intentioned Liberians.”
“It is sad that Mr. Cummings thinks he is a better option for the leadership of this country, does not have any inner idea on needs of the indigenous people and how those needs can be worked around,” the release stated.
The Senate maintained that this fund could go towards helping in the fight against covid-19 in the county, construction of a bridge, road, library, hospital, school, payment of school fees, building of a modern public latrine or to help with some charitable undertakings, etc. This is how the counties get directly impacted with the little but needed developments.
“We find it disingenuous that Mr. Cummings would believe that this fund is intended to support the political interest of any Senator when the Senate comprises of members from all political parties. Clearly, this is not intended to give any single senator an edge because she/he is from the ruling party or the opposition parties” the Senate added.
The leadership of the Senate believes that Mr. Cummings’ quest for power is leading him to sow seeds of discord among our people and calls on all well-meaning Liberians not to lend credence to his recent statement on the Legislative Engagement Funds that is coded 0563 in the National Budget.

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