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Don’t Compromise Rape Cases ….Gender Minister Tells Residents Of River Gee County

As part of the ongoing presidential county tour across Liberia, Gender, Children and Social Protection Minister Williametta E. Saydee-Tarr has told residents of River Gee County to disengage from compromising sexual and gender-based violence cases especially rape. She stressed that sexual offenders deserve punitive measures to serve as deterrent for would be perpetrators.
Appearing on Radio Gee – a local radio station in Fish Town, the Gender Boss stated that rape survivors go through a lot – such as trauma, medical complications and stigmatization. Hence, it is incumbent upon all to report and help prevent all sexual and gender-based violence cases.
Explaining the Domestic Violence Law of 2019, Minister Tarr told the people of River Gee that the law recognizes domestic violence as a serious crime against individual and society which takes on many forms, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
According to Minister Saydee-Tarr, the domestic violence law also focuses on effectively rendering assistance and protection to victims and survivors of domestic violence.
Commenting on the government of Liberia allocation of US$ 2Million for rural women to access micro loan and the US$ 16Million as direct support to Agriculture, Minister Tarr thanked the Feminist-In-Chief His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah for his government’s farsightedness in addressing the economic constraints face by rural women across the country.
The Minister believes that with such huge fund from the government of Liberia towards Agriculture – women farmers especially rural women will eventually experience increased in productivities and thereby creating more employment opportunity.
“Leave your comfort zone and engage your superintendent to link you with requisite government’s entities responsible for disbursing said fund”, the Minister cautioned the women of River Gee.

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